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When I heard the Ghost in the Shell SAC 2045 announcement on Netflix, I was very pleased since this is one of the series that I really cherished ever since the first animated series came out years ago.

Aside from the original movie, I would have to say that my other favorites were Stand Alone Complex (2002~2005) and Solid State Society. Design-wise, I'd have to say these two were by far my personal favorites yet...

When I saw the recent Netflix series, they made her younger?! Why? >.> Major Kusanagi was the very definition of a dangerous Femme Fatale back in the day, so this new image change into what seems like a younger, skinny version of her seems to upset me a little as a huge fan of the series.

I've always wanted to try drawing her now that I've come back into the art scene and so I figured with the series launching on Netflix, I'd try my hand at incorporating my visions and ideas on top of the new 2045 designs.

Here is the design comparison between the old series and new. 

At least they got the voice right but...her lithe figure doesn't match her voice in my opinion...




Love the lighting on this one :3