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Alright, so the illustration for this is finally done~! Yay!

Good news is that I've done all the cutting and the artwork came out great, much better than what I was anticipating for this lazy Goddess of Water.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news to share in that the animator friend I'm working with is currently having some life problems, nothing serious but it does mean that the animation for this will inevitably be delayed as she's stretched thin with other priority works she has on her plate.

I don't know how much we're delayed it'll be but I'll most likely ask her about it again closer to the next Gumroad pack release date. Until then, I'm going to give her some space and let her work on it at her own pace. 

Moving on, here are the rest of the scenes. 




Lovely artwork. I love how round her boobs are and you also draw midriffs really well! Great work :3


Also: Please send my regards to your animator friend.

Yris Miret-njer

Outstanding work as always Foxy! This one is very special tho because we chose her as our Waifu of the Month. Praise the lewd Goddess Aqua! 😍💕💖💕😍