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Nioon Ni

Omg aaron I was laughing so hard when you were having a hard time seeing that it was "welcome" on the window


Yes Aaron you're right. She is so invasive and self-centered but it's part of her personality disorder. I mean it's wrong but I don't really blame her for it. I feel like kmedia just got out of the reverse behaviour with a stalky, persistent sometimes romanticized abuse from the male character so I don't expect them to see this as wrong. We should talk about it and criticize still ofc. Also, the female characters are mostly good, maybe strong personality, but with squeaky clean morals. I prefer my characters grey. Here, like in her books, the witch is the hero of the story and I really like that. Plus she is so funny to me.


Yeah for me, I liked Ko MunYeoung since episode one because she plays this mean girl role very well, but deep down she's sensitive. I know it's hard to like mean characters, but like Ko said, who isn't flawless. That line gave me chills. She is cold, but doesn't sugarcoat anything, she's just honest about what she feels and what she does with the people around her. That's what makes her role very interesting, cuz we can all agree she is psycho, but it's okay. lol

Mr Jackpots

You'll be happy to know that the locker room scene is what led to the broadcaster being sanctioned by the censors because of complaints from the public. However, guys beating up women seems to be ok with them.


the fact that that scene got a punishment yet so many others havent ... so weird to me. that’s def one of the tamest things i’ve seen in dramas


i’ve liked her character since the beginning. she’s very interesting and to myself, a little bit relatable for many reasons i can’t wait to see your reaction to her character throughout this show. also i feel like that was the point of the locker room scene, to show how some mental illnesses affect ones ability to know right or wrong, etc.


Munyoung has an antisocial personality disorder. Of course that doesn't excuse her behavior but that was the way she was born. She'll act in ways that are not socially acceptable.


The guy who is director in ok hospital (the guy who asked to sangtae with painting wall)is the original singer of Meaning of U (remake by iu) Kim chang wan maybe you could see him when you react meaning of u mv


Next time how about watching reaction iu drama moon lovers or popular drama goblin,crash landing on you~


moon lovers is iconic

strange& sleepless

Yes, this is one of the issues I have with this drama. If the roles were reversed it would be a completely different story and I'm pretty sure people would think that it's problematic no matter the context of it.