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 Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/ktg3fwrqr1f4999/dreamcatcher_you_and_I.mp4?dl=0

 Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kxwVGlFQAlh_hbvqYXB2nxAOpEjE4PWC/view?usp=sharing



Mr Jackpots

This one is harder to interpret than the previous three MV's and like Fly High I think the timeline is scrambled. You see Jiu and the other girls doing an exorcism on Yoohyeon to drive out the spirit which has been possessing her. Is that the spider queen's doing? I don't know because we see Yoohyeon getting possessed again when the spider queen appears to have her picture taken. Then we see the girls doing another exorcism which seems more serious because they have Yoohyeon laid out on a pentagram and the shot of it covered with black feathers hints that this time some kind of sacrifice was involved. I've seen portals, like the one Yoohyeon was trying to reach, in Korean dramas and they usually symbolize a pathway to the afterlife where you forget your previous life and await rebirth. So was she trying to escape the curse and failed? Possibly. The last shot of her lying on the pentagram after the exorcism seems to suggest that it failed. Her eyes open and they look empty and cold. The curse is still in place. That's all I got. There are lots of theories about this MV but bottom line is at the end nothing has changed and they're still cursed.


i love everything about this song