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Thank you so much! We have a looong journey ahead of us!

Now you have early access to works before anyone else, specially bigger projects that can take weeks to be published on other platforms!

Please remember that if you have ideas of what you want to see on my Patreon let me know!
Have a great stay and enjoy the content~
Added: 2024-01
Thank you so much! We have a looong journey ahead of us!

Now you have early access to works before anyone else, specially bigger projects that can take weeks to be published on other platforms!As well as access to PSD and ClipStudio files for each drawing, comic and sequence I've made! Hopefully it'll help you understand how my workflow and process works if you're interested!

Please remember that if you have ideas of what you want to see on my Patreon let me know!
Have a great stay and enjoy the content~ 
Added: 2024-01
Thank you so much! We have a looong journey ahead of us!
Added: 2023-01