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Tomorrow we're dropping SCP-3008: "Perfectly Normal, Regular Old Ikea." It's a fun one, and I hope you'll enjoy it! This week's bonus episode is SCP-999, the friendliest little blob of orange goo on the face of the earth!

Postcards are going into production later this week, if you haven't voted already, you can here!

Also, I'm looking for ideas! I want to hear from you, what should our reward be when we hit 200 Patrons? Leave a comment below this post, I'll round up the most common or feasible ideas, and present a poll to everyone early next week! What do you think, more merch, extra bonus episodes, livestreams? Let us know!

Lastly, I promised you all a whole series of Q&A's and more community nights, all the information on those things, is coming soon, so keep your eye peeled!





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