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Hey guys!

As I start rolling out postcard production, I'm eager to set up our next goal!

Instead of making a poll, I figured just opening up the comments of this post would be the best way to move forward. Let me know what you guys want below!

Once we have a few strong and popular ideas, I'll hold a poll for everyone to cast a final vote!

Some suggestions for your consideration:

  • A second weekly bonus episode

  • More physical merch (Buttons, Pins, etc)
  • A small original Canon within the SCP universe
  • An Album of Tom's work on the show!





Merch would be cool


Honestly merch would be so really nice, a hoodie or a shirt with the SCP logo would be amazing


An extra episode or merch would be brilliant.


An extra episode would be awesome.

Tyler Talbert

Any of the suggestions would be cool, I'd love some stickers.

Jenna Tudor

An extra episode or merch would be great and I'm going to become a patron when I start my job in July 😁


Thanks guys! You all rock, poll for this will be up on Monday :)