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Hello Patreons!

I hope everything ot's right for you!

First I want to thank you once again for all the support, affection, messages that are giving me a lot of strength in this very difficult time.

I'm making some decisions this week, one of them will be to move to a place to live alone, where no one can make me feel so much hate. In this small apartment I will have a room for my mother. She's still in the hospital and on the 7th of February we're going to do the biopsy, so that we can schedule the first radiotherapy session.

The hospital consulted me and gave me medication against depression, I've been using them since Tuesday. So far I don't see any difference. Thoughts of dying always come to my mind when I think that everything could go wrong/hard. From my mother's health to my work.But actually reading so many people giving me positive messages is something that makes me emotional. Thanks again.

Right now my life is like this, everything falling apart. Even my family ended, leaving only my sister and me.

I never thought this could happen.

About my work, I can't stop because it's from HL that I get the money to take care of my mother and until I can rent a better apartment where I'm going to live in peace with her. This is very important. Working also distracts me, makes me happy.

This week I stayed at home, a friend is staying at the hospital.

Saturday I go back there.

I took the opportunity and made a story about Iryna and I intend to start making a Pit-Fighter story starring Yuka, do you remember her? She appeared in the first episode of Ultimate Rise, losing to Cassie and in a Futa vs. Hemy storyline.

I redesigned Yuka, wanted to do this for a while. She is Hitomi's training partner and a great friend who helps out at the Dojo.

Yuka's body is quite hard, with very defined muscles. Her body lines are more square, with a very strong and thick torso. Yuka has a lot of strength in her arms which she uses to deliver punishing punches to her victims' stomachs.

She has Force-type Ultimate Energy. When activated, Yuka's muscles grow considerably and her strength becomes even more dangerous.

When Yuka faces a Hardcore Lady, she tries to exploit the most of the fight and avoid using Ultimate Energy. But against men she just wants to punch their ball like it's a punching bag.

Some details of Yuka can still be changed, refining some muscles to make her look cooler. I want do one look close of Chunri Kim, we no have one HL with these lines.

I take one feedback of a Patreon in Discord about her leg lenght and will change to made her torso look really powerfull and also look more close of Chunri Kim body look. 

I hope you like Yuka's redesign, she's just a support character that barely appears, but I think she needed that affection.

Doing these jobs was like therapy for me.

I really needed to get my mind off doing something I love. As time is short, Iryna's story is very straight to the point. Hoping you guys enjoy seeing her in action again.

A big hug, thank you for everything you have done to make me feel good. You are being a much greater support than people who should help me by being close.

You guys are awesome!




Hope so much, she challenges a and easily destroys some puny male opponent in a usual pit-fight-style leaving him any chance!


I just paid ah Hardcore Exclusive signature, and I can't access the animations. Does anyone here had the same problem? Thanks.


Hello Sukkubusable! I sent a message explaining to you how to access the videos. If you need more help send me a new message.

Marek Jarecki

I hope we will get more of Iryna i so much started to like her!


Soon she comes back to kick more people! Iryna will be a character that I will always have a special affection for because she was "born" in a very difficult moment that I went through.