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Hello Patreons!

I wish everything is great with you all.

Today we have Yuka Takeshi's first story. You're going to ask me who Yuka is, well. She is a character that appeared in the first chapter of Ultimate Rise facing Cassie.

She is a good friend of Hitomi and the two train at the Dojo.

She has also appeared in some images with Hitomi.

Her look was completely redone and I hope you like it.

In her first solo story she participates in a Pit-Fighter and in these fights forgiveness is not something that exists!

I hope you like the story.

It is already on the Hardcore Ladys website in the exclusive area of Patreons. If you have any questions about how to access or did not find / received the password, send me a message and I will help you.

In the exclusive area of Patreons you can now find exclusive pages of Yuka and Iryna, to access just click on the image click on their image. They are in that position, as seen in the image below.

I intend to make an animation of Iryna doing a lot of damage using leg locks.

--> You know that I'm not going through a good moment in my life. It's been really hard around here, but I want to thank you for the support you're keeping and especially the Patreons who have been talking to me on Discord. You are being very important to me. I wish I could express myself better to say how important you are being at a time when I practically gave up.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you all.



Marek Jarecki

Wow nice job. ANd good idea with leg locks. dont give up mate, everybody have they rough times!


Thank you Marek! It's very special have the feedback and pray for my hard situation. From deep of my heart ,thank you.