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Hello Patreons!

Sorry for the disappearance during that week, I had a terrible problem with light. It delayed and hindered my plans for chapter 1 of the story.

To deliver on time I made some cuts in the script going straight to the point in this chapter 1.

In this first chapter we see Barbara's motivation to accept a pact that will change her life!

A sequence of muscle growth  that Barbara gains a new and powerful body. Your body is constantly changing and evolving and has not yet reached its final form, much more powerful.

In the next chapter she starts her hunt behind the heroes!

Patreons the next chapters will not leave with such delay, it was just an external problem that I had.

I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience.

And let's go to the next story! (which will be chapter 2)



Eric Moore

B Deicide said she wants to rid the world of evil but proceeds to kill an innocent lady at the first chance. hahahaha, oh I love her my Goddess!

Crazy M

Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate your work!


Thank you Crazy Muscle! I really LOVE doing it all! I'm very happy that you liked it! thank you for your support!