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Hello Patreons!

Today at Everyday is a Hardcore Day I am bringing a preview of the next story that I will be releasing.

She mixes several ideas of the Patreons with B. Deicide vs Heros.

In this story, we will see about the sad case of Barbara Page who in a superhero fight ends up being a victim and losing her leg movements.

With the total neglect of the heroes Barbara makes a pact with a terrible devil in order to obtain power to be able to take revenge on all the super heroes.

Pact with a devil...what gonna be wrong?

The story will stay in some key battles in order to show the B. Deicide crusade in search of its revenge.

I hope to be releasing this story by Friday.

Thank you very much for all your support and ideas!

And let's go to the next story!



tom pornapore

YEAHHHH! Crush the Marvel universe !!!

Eline beesje

Wooww yes can't wait !!!


It's a great idea isn't it? I'd love to see B.Deicide pop their puny superhero bodies like grapes! Tear them apart like straw-men. Crush them all like empty tin cans! I hope Hardcore has some of them begging her not to kill them before she does.


It's been a while since we've had the possibility of some real B.Deicide action! I hope this spurs some new and more story ideas from the members. To give Hardcore more material to inspire more B.Deicide! Need more B.Deicide! ;)