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Despite this being a long ass episode it didn't feel that long which was nice. Gonna be re-watching some of these performances a fair bit I feel


- Kaia




aaahh yay im so excited! this just made my day, thank u <3


The G group love me right team having my top three in the entirety of G group (Jay, Wumuti and Haruto) feels like a personal attack


Right now Love Me right and Kill this love by the ggroups are my favorites, they did so good, and JAY AND MATTHEW... can't wait for the rest Also, I didn't realize how short Yedam was cuz I was so used to seeing him next to the TNX's members on loud... it made me realize TNX are such short kings lmao


Long comment alert, I'm sorry lmao 💀💀💀 Nah bc I have the same thoughts on Gunwook - love that kid, but he does give off BIG intimidating vibes. I love his confidence towards everything - him crying HURT Honestly every time Hanbin opens his mouth, he just keeps getting more and more likeable like damn Them deciding the order by arm wrestling is SO funny to me lmao I LOVE Cong's voice, he would've have easily won in a different scenario - not his fault he had to go up against Seungeon 😂 I definitely preferred g-group's KTL performance - I feel like I tend to gravitate towards g-group every time so far...idk if it's an underdog thing, or just because they seem to have more individuality? I guess? But they still bond together as a team really well? Not quite sure, but they're just a bit more appealing to me in general I stg Haruto be sounding like Mark Lee when he raps and I am HERE for it ALSO Jongwoo reminds me a ton of skz's Changbin, don't know if that's who you were thinking of, but the resemblance is there for me Mnet picking and choosing when to focus on voice cracks or "bad" vocal moments is sending - sometimes they replay the moment a million times over and show everyone's reactions, and sometimes they just brush right over it, like make it make sense Obviously Mnet is probably only showing some of the masters' feedback, but I'm getting kinda annoyed when all the feedback we see is just "you did bad" "you sound good" "you need practice" like, can y'all actually tell them how to improve??? And them bringing in a random rap master instead of ph-1 like huh??? I swear ph-1 hasn't said anything besides random words of encouragement...granted, it's only ep.3, but STILL lmao A lot of people have brought up that it's unfair to only show 5 performances in this ep and leave the rest to next week, right before the vote closes - I would have to agree, the screentime that they give the trainees who weren't focused on at all previously is crucial to them surviving this elimination, and it does feel a bit unfair to cram them in right before voting closes LAST THING I promise: lots of folks are citing mnet's evil editing for the segment with Kamden and the Chinese trainees, especially since Ricky and Krystian are VERY popular rn, so it's a little fishy, like they're trying to weed them out of the final lineup (and of course mnet has a history of making the Chinese trainees seem like villains lmao). I do think that a lot of context was probably missing from that conversation, like maybe that awkward part with the interruptions and shit was only a small part of it? Idk, bc I know at least Ricky, Krystian, and Brian can speak English, so...why would there be so much miscommunication? Dunno, it still rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt My Top 9 after this episode: Matthew, Sung Hanbin, Jay, Zhang Hao, Haruto, Keita, Kamden, Seungeon, Cong (could change though, my consistent faves are Matthew, Hanbin, Jay, Hao, and recently Haruto and Keita)


Just for Kaia's comments: Keita already debuted under Ciipher since 2021 so I am sure even if he didn't make it to the final lineup, he can definitely go back and I am hoping people will start to notice Ciipher more.


this first elimination is gonna be rough, i love so many of them 😭 i think i’m leaning towards g group’s kill this love performance as well, they killed it. current top 9: sung hanbin zhang hao jay matthew haruto hui han yujin keita kim ji woong


Idk if its just because I've seen Gunwook in another survival show (wild idol) where he was one of the youngest and just barely missed out on the debut lineup, but I really like him. I can see how his confidence can be a little grating, but it mostly feels harmless. On Wild Idol he was told to be more confident and I think he took that advice and went literally wild with it.


i love this round in produce shows usually, but man i can't help but feel like mnet set it up this way as a k vs g round with the intention of eliminating as many g trainees as possible to appease the korean viewers who are notoriously really stingy with foreign members. the audience is likely heavily biased towards k group + with korean votes weighed more it really feels like that :( on a lighter note! i really enjoyed both ktl performances and thought it was cool how they totally expressed the song differently. i agree that g group's was stronger and had a more compelling color(?), but i also enjoyed seeing gunwook's vision play out. i really think if g group didn't have the power houses that are zhanghao and matthew, the results could've swung the other way which is really fascinating! i love that gunwook had very clear visions of the positions but never forced anybody to do them! they still went through the audition process for the parts and talked it out among themselves and he ended up being right about who fit what best, even if the subvocals obviously wished they had bigger parts. speaking of gunwook, he's solidly become my 1pick i think. the kid is so insanely talented and has such a strategic mindset. the fact that he pitched his plan to a person who didn't want the song in the first place and the plan ended up being so compelling that he went along with everything in spite of it because hwanhee recognized how good the plan was is so interesting to me! and as much as i hate seeing gunwook break down at the end, i think it's probably good for his image to show a vulnerable side this early on to balance out how confidently he presents himself. it makes him seem very human and relatable. man i haven't paid attention to seungeon at ALL but this episode changed everything. he's solidly in my lineup now as a main vocal pick. as for the miscommunication issue, i try to be very skeptical of situations in survival shows just because mnet will mnet and they LOOOVE evil editing. i'm sure they did fuck with the footage a bit to make things seem more dramatic, but also i think what footage is there of krystian and brian (who are fluent?) speaking over kamden (and ignoring him depending on how accurate what was shown is) and kamden crying after about how isolated he felt is enough to rub me the wrong way. there could be more to the story! hopefully they reach a conclusion and figure it out next week. but i do think sometimes there's kernels of truth to mnet's evil editing, they just pump it up. i hope that isn't the case, but we'll see. i do think it's worth mentioning ricky's name has been thrown around a bit, but i don't think he's actually as fluent as people made him out to be and he seems pretty awkward in the actual clip on top of being the youngest person there, so whatever is going on i don't think i'm too worried about him. either way, i'm a bit wary right now but not counting anyone out yet. mnet will be mnet, after all lol. unfortunately i've accepted that yechen is definitely going out this round because of his unfortunate start to the show and getting minimal screentime despite doing well in the stage. he's a border trainee right now (53~) which means he'll probably get pushed out by the trainees who received the benefit. that said, i hope he was happy he got to do minghao's parts considering minghao was his mentor on ywy :) i'll keep voting for him until he's out though, and hopefully some company is willing to give him a chance after since produce is half for the final lineup and half for promoting the other trainees. fly high my angel </3 current top 9: - gunwook - sung hanbin - zhanghao - jiwoong (who i adore for seemingly picking yujin as his son and wanting to reassure him) - matthew - hui - haruto - seungeon (NEW) - taerae/gyuvin. if seungeon makes it then gyuvin, if he doesn't then taerae. if hui doesn't make it to the final lineup, hopefully both. - SLEEPER PICKS: oh sungmin, cha woongki (still not used to romanizing his name like that), cong, keita, yoon jongwoo TLDR; hwang minhyun best man in the show. the only thing you really need to take away from this episode <3 /jk

Matt Evans

Krystian is about to be Cai Binged into oblivion. Poor guy got hit with the evil editing stick. Keita could end up being the Bora of this season. Someone who goes really far and gets some good exposure for their group but doesn't make the final lineup despite being amazing. You know those 0% 10% 100% 1000% dance videos groups do? It feels like Park Gun Wook is constantly doing the 1000%. I'm sure that's what a lot of people like about him, but it's not as much for me. In the Kill This Love battle, I way preferred G-group. Admittedly, I'd take great vocals over great dancing any day, and G-group was more impressively vocally imo.


Ok Haruto was always on my radar. But holy smokes he shot up to my Top 9 instantly. The charisma on that man and the humor, I already see the variety content!!

Moonlight Is A Mixer

ok but like i just realized that zhanghao is the only yue hua trainee that didn’t get demoted: all the k group ones went from all to three stars ricky went from 3 to 2 brian went from 3 to 1 ollie went from 3 to 0 because i think he was sick and didn’t participate in this test, so they had to put him in 0 stars