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Hey all!

I said I'd post again today and here I am. 

The time has come for my two week break to begin, the next time you see me in a video it'll be with a whole new set up in a whole new apartment. It still doesn't feel real but I'm sure it will in a few days when things really start moving.

I'll be keeping track of things that are released over the next couple weeks that I wanna check out when I get back so I guess be prepared for a bit of a content onslaught when I do.

Current plan is to get back to work starting from Dec 6th so I'll see you guys then (or I'll update you if there's a change).

Be good until I get back lmao, see you soon!

- Kaia



hope everything goes well with the move !!!


Best wishes on the move !!


Best of luck with everything! Looking forward to seeing the new place^^

Exekyute (Kyu)

Hope your move goes quickly and smoothly. We'll see you when you get back~ :3


Take care and have a good and a smooth moving, we'll waiting for your return, stay safe


Good luck with your move. See you soon. X