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Hey guys!

Gonna be taking the whole weekend off this weekend to rest (the discord is adamant lmao). Realised I haven't had a day off in almost two weeks because I was working so hard to get all those requests done and sorted and it's catching up with me so before I hit burn out stage I'm gonna take a couple days to chill.

There will still be a couple things coming your way tomorrow  bc I just really want to watch them (eg. Eating Trip) but for the most part it'll be pretty light on the uploads and I'm just gonna take it easy.

Got Produce 101 and ReVe Festival Finale on the way for you guys today and then I'm going to go and have a very lazy evening.

Hope you're all good!

- Kaia



Yeees, get that rest and lazy time in. Everyone needs that every once in a while


Enjoy your lazy evening! You deserve it