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Hey guys!

I've been trying to figure out how I was going to fit Kingdom into my schedule and the conclusion that I came to was that... I can't unless I let it take a slot from something else.

SO temporarily, Kingdom will be taking up the Thursday spot every week (starting from next week). I figured that seeing as 1. As of today I will have finished Running Girls and 2. Stray Kids and taking part in the show, it seemed the most sense for me.

Once Kingdom is done though, Finding Stray Kids will resume and something else will start in the place of Running Girls (haven't decided what yet but I have some ideas).

So for those of you that have been waiting for my Kingdom reactions, I will see you next Thursday for the 1st episode :)

- Kaia



Whoo! So excited to see your reaction! I'm glad we tried to keep the spoilers in the 'not safe for kaia' section of the discord now, so you can go in fairly blind <3 . Anyone not in the discord who wants to chat Kingdom should totally join cause we all just fan over the Kingdom groups each week :P


ahhh can't wait!