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Hey all!

To those waiting to watch Produce48 (and anything else that has a Dropbox link), the links are now working again and have been amended where necessary.

After investigating, it looks like there is a 24hr bandwidth limit on Dropbox which is quite high in relation to most of the stuff I upload but because I posted both Produce48 /and/ two episodes of Sixteen on the same day, it caused it to go over the bandwidth limit. Lesson learnt!!

At the beginning of September, I'm going to look into upping my Dropbox subscription if possible to maybe allow for a higher bandwidth allowance but we'll see. Until then, if I could ask people to avoid downloading the P48 eps just in case (as they are one of the most watched things on this channel) that would be awesome.

Thank you for all the patience while this was happening, I literally just had to wait 24hrs before I could do anything which was a little frustrating but we made it and I appreciate you guys bearing with me.

ALSO: on the topic of being patient with me. I've decided to take the day off today. I had yesterday off as well and was going to film today but have decided to just take it easy. My little dog is still not very well and it was a very stressful weekend  just having to wait until we could go to the vet this morning (we have now done so and hopefully she'll start getting better soon). Between that and work, I'm very tired today so I think having an extra day to chill would be good (even though I miss filming already).

Basically what this means is that Going Seventeen will go up tomorrow instead. I know you guys are very chill and understanding and I hope that'll continue now!

Looking forward to getting back to filming tomorrow. See you then!

- Kaia



Hope your Baby feels better soon 💜


Good luck with Lily (? Oh gosh I'm not sure i have her name right, sorry). And please have a good rest!

Peter Yuen

I didn’t even know the links were down, been busy working, happened today is my day off, so doing some catch-up, and found out. Thanks for your hard and exhausting work, to provide us with some quality leisure time, with my favorite Reactor Reaction. You definitely need a day off after 2 episodes of Sixteen, and almost 3hrs of Produce 48, as alway greatly appreciated.


Awww man. Hope your puppy recovers soon. When all is better, here's Weeekly's Hello in baseball outfits to cheer you up. They just dropped it. https://youtu.be/bzBZqc6_He8

Unsalted Pecan

Im glad you are going to take a break from the stress, it is sooo important to do so. I hope your dog is okay, keeping him/her in my prayers.


Please take your time to rest! (We also need time to catch up on your content lol). And I really hope Lily recovers soon <3 give her some gentle pets for us!


I hope your little one gets better <3 lol It sounds like I'm talking about a child, but i mean it's basically the same thing


Take a good rest before watching Seventeen’s 24H MV !! It’s gonna make you mad again! *Be careful* (WARNING)