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Well this is exhausting. Looks like all Dropbox links for everything are currently throwing up the 404 error.

Looking into ways to fix it now. It may be that people downloading the Produce48 episode is the issue as there is a bandwidth limit to what people can download and those are big files. You shouldn't have to download it, it just takes a bit of time to buffer if you watch it in browser (of course dependent on your internet).

Anyway as said working on it. Probably won't be fixed today because I have to work but I'll do what I can.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

- Kaia


new me

I would suggest checking out Vimeo if you never want to worry about your patreon-side uploads working again. Your storage needs would probably require one of the paid tiers, however.


Yeah unfortunately for the file sizes and the amount I upload, it would be too expensive for me right now