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Today we will be treated by the beautiful sight of Cassie dominating Asuka!
I quite like how strong and well build Cassies Body looks as she overpowers her opponent.

I am working on quite a few animations right now. You'll be quite pleased!


Download: --->ClickHereToSeeThePhotoset<---

Currency-Change - Update

Also... I just wanted to quickly mention it. It turns out that Patreon misinformed me about the currency change. Infact.. All active Patreons will still pay the old pledge price and not the new one. Unless they wish to renew it. So what does that mean for you? It means as long as your pledge stays active, you'll pay a little less!

Sort of wish I knew that earlier, to inform people about that.. lol. Sucks big time that this really important bit of information got lost.. But there's nothing that can be done to everyone who left. We'll just look at the positive side and see it as a little reward for all long-term patrons!  But whether you have been here for a long time or not.. Thank you for your support! I appreciate every single one of you. My country is currently in lockdown. So you are helping me to stay afloat and you are also giving me the opportunity to keep on creating stuff for you. So.. thank you! I really appreciate it!



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