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“As the Sister of the Black Moon gazed upon the strangely pale moon hanging torpidly in the skies over these Ashen Wastes, she knew that this place was far from her home.

Though the atmosphere was clogged with choking cold cinders, she resolved to march ahead, to find a Gate back to Argantos.

No sooner did she choose a direction to begin her journey home when she heard the dry rattle of bones and smelled death and decay from behind her.

In one fluid motion, she drew her twin blades and leapt towards the dark horror that this realm had thrown at her."

Download the Immortal vs Sister of the Black Moon Diorama HERE! 

If the SYNC link doesn't work, get it on MyAirBridge HERE!

Make sure to check out Bestiarum Games Patreon this month as well!

This diorama will only be available to download until November 30th, 2022!

Happy Printing,

The Archvillain Games team

P.S. This diorama model is shared between the Archvillain Games and Bestarium Games subscribers as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the Archvillain Games store later and is not a part of a Archvillain Games Monthly Release. This diorama model will not be fulfilled on any other platform other than this post. This file is protected by the Bestarium Games and the Archvillain Games terms and conditions of use and as such it may not be used commercially in any way. This diorama model can NOT be sold by any merchant member of the Archvillain Games - excluding the parts of the diorama that are also contained in the monthly release of Archvillain Games.




Firefox and F-secure is listing https://ln5.sync.com/ as an unsecure site and blocking access by default!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Holy Dioramas! I love these! Please, please more dioramas. They are the most fun to work on. I have found a Tribe on MMF that does a massive diorama each month with all its models and it's pretty damn awesome. I joined it and I'm loving it so far, it's "Necropunks Miniatures". I do wish Archvillain would do an add on subscription of some sort that creates giant dioramas with all its models. I'd join that in a heartbeat.

Pete Sims

Very nice, thanks to both creators.

Incandescent Dragon Creations

glad there is the sync link, as I can't do MAB. too bad these don't get added to our MMF accounts. I have missed so many due to them only having the MAB links


sync didn't work for me last week and now I lost out. Can I get a link that works? It sucks when sync doesn't work properly.