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Hey everyone!

Our friends over at Mini Monster Mayhem wanted to share this cool Metal Ursus mini with you!

Download it here! 

This model is from Mini Monster Mayhem's November release:

The Souls Within Steel: Volume 2

You can check it out here

The cross promo model will only be available to download until November 30th, 2022!

Happy Printing,

The Archvillain Games team

P.S. This model is shared between the Archvillain Games and Mini Monster Mayhem Patreon as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the Archvillain Games store later and is not a part of a Archvillain Games Monthly Release. This model will not be fulfilled on any other platform other than Patreon. This file is protected by the Mini Monster Mayhem and the Archvillain Games terms and conditions of use and as such it may not be used commercially in any way. This model can NOT be sold by any merchant member of the Archvillain Games Patreon.



Pete Sims

That is an interesting and curious creature. Thank you.


Do a cross promotion with someone I *don't* already support :)

Marc Young

Thank you I have been looking into their Pokemon collection for my son, but had not heard anything about their prints. I'm excited to print this and let him paint it.