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Hey everyone!

Our good friends at Crippled God Foundry are doing a Kickstarter and they have a gift for all Villains and Archvillains of our Patreon!

Download the free miniature here 

Their second to date Kickstarter project is inspired by ancient Greek lore, tabletop RPG games and popular videogames and films and features anything from Heroes, minions, Demon Champions, Demon Lords and Ancient Demon Gods!

Check all the awesome minis here!


Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team

P.S. Licensed merchants of Archvillain Games are not allowed to print and sell the model above as it belongs to Crippled God Foundry.



Justin McCormick

Worked for me. Might be that a bunch of people tried at once, maybe another try?


We advise patience, there were probably thousands of clicks on that link in the past minutes :)

Edwin Pietrowski

Backed this Kickstarter last week, cannot wait to get these files!


I keep getting a 502 bad gateway error...


This is Crippled God Foundry's link. This is most likely a Sync overload as usual, please try later.


Downloading the files individually worked for me, download all gives me the 502 error.