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Initial upload 2/11/2020


More Nautiloid parts added


  • More Nautiloid parts added
  • Encephalid pose 4 - added beef to staff to aid printing on saturns. moved on support near foot to reduce chance of fusions 
  • Cerebrax the Devourer - fixed inverted normals on left wing stl 
  • Encephalid Enlightened Pose 02 added thickness to both arms plus added new raft 
  • Encephalid Pose 01 added supports to left arm 


  • Nautiloid shell parts replaced due to mesh error
  • Added the last Nautiloid parts (not presupported yet)
  • Slithering Devourer_Head (repaired) replaced due to mesh error affecting assembly, presupported file replaced as well

Note: The Nautiloid model is still in WIP mode as we cut into pieces. FDM parts will be added as well as more presupported files for resin, please check this changelog session for future updates.

What you get - all presupported!

  • The Nautiloid - 800mm !!!
  • Slithering Devourer -100mm
  • Cerebrax  -100mm
  • Elder Brain - 100mm
  • Enlightened Encephalid - 4 poses at 60mm
  • Corporeal Reflection - 80 mm
  • Outworld Thralls - 100 mm
  • Encephalid - 4 poses at 32mm
  • Deepspawn- 3 poses at 32mm
  • Encephalid Shocktroopers - 3 poses at 32mm
  • Gith Swordmaster hero - 32mm
  • Decorative bases
  • Descent into Madness 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code off our MyMiniFactory store!

1. Monthly Release


2. Sinister Vault



For new patrons!

Dont forget your FREEBIE! - Free model with a 2 min survey!

Sinister Vault

Dont forget! The Sinister Vault is our welcome gift to you so you also get access to:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • a fallen angel,
  • 3 adventurers,
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at every end of the month!

Archvillain Tier Links - Adventure for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons CLICK HERE! 

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for 3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you! 

Behold the 3 month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Past Releases

Here is a 50% discount code for all patrons! This discount is valid for every product from the store including the bundles!

Just type in "AVGMADNESS" upon checkout at our store !

P.S. Code is valid until the last day of the month!

Painting contests!

The Painting Contest for October has ended.

We are now collecting your entries and will make a post about it in the following week! Thank you for your participation and good luck!

This also means that the November contest has just started!

Join our community!

Other important information

Recuring Villain Rewards will be redeemed via MyMiniFactory (read more HERE).
You can read more information on presupported files HERE

Happy printing,
The Archvillain Team




If we don't have a MMF account can we just contact you about the finalized Nautiloid zipped file here on Patreon or the Archvillain FB page?? I really dont want to miss out on it if I can help it. It looks to cool to miss. Especially if I might get an extension build upgrade for my ender 3 for Christmas that I'll use on this print first.


Coolness. I know this month's been a big endeavor for you. As a first month subscriber to your patreon I appreciate your hard work and really look forward to being a long time supporter

Lester Ortiz-Miranda

I subbed for the Nautiloid alone. So what happens if I end my subscription and the Nautiloid is not finished by the end of the month?


You will receive the Nautiloid on your email via the MMF library in the first half of next month. If not, you can always message us here.

Donna Crawford

Would it be possible to put zipped version on Sync please? I've been trying for ages now to download from Google drive, but it splits it into maybe 23 separate downloads and several of them fail each time, and Sync is trying to zip all the folders but fails before it can generate the download every time. I've been having more success with zipped Supported and a zipped Non Supported files on Sync, so if there's any chance we could try that please I'd greatly appreciate it.


Check out your inbox. We sent you all a private message just a few hours ago talking about those zips.

Donna Crawford

Brilliant, thank you. I'm afraid I've just been staring at the Sync pages all day so missed it ;)

Donna Crawford

Could I check where I can find the zipped versions for "Archvillain Games - Descent into Madness - Presupported", "Archvillain Games - Descent into Madness" (unsupported), and "Sinister Vault" please?


Please check the download links post. Also, patreon does not track comments, if you need assistance message us, we cannot provide assistance swiftly via comments.


Could you extend the availability of the Nautilus download? I keep having problems downloading, so I haven't been able to do it yet :(


We cannot extend the links to next month. All files will be sent to your MMF library in the first ten days of December.


Ok... thank you - hope i could download it there :)


You mean first ten days of December? I am having problems downloading too.


Try using a different browser, I had no luck in Chrome but it came through in the new MS browser.


A few things: Download links aren't working in this post anymore (you said somewhere they'd be up until Dec. 10th). Last time I looked (couple weeks ago) I wasn't able to find the outworld thrall head presupported (it was in the non-supported files though). I saw a mention somewhere that after the patreon links expired all files would be uploaded to our myminifactory library. How does that work? Like how do I connect my patreon account to my myminifactory account? I apologize, I'm new to patreon and so far it all seems unnecessarily complicated.


Here to help! So, we actually said the pack would be sent on MMF by the 10th, not the links. Monthly download links always expire at the end of the month, otherwise they would not be exclusive to peeps who paid for them. Send us a pm here because comments are clunky on Patreon and we will help you go through the MMF procedure so you can get the files there when we send em out!


Is there an update on when the natuloid pre-supported will be finished?


Same question - I've been avoiding downloading the Nautiloid as I'm not sure if it's complete. How is it all going? When will Descent into Madness hit MMF, and how goes the Nautiloid? Thanks folks :)


We ve already messaged you on all of that :) check the mass message we sent last week. Nautiloid coming any day now and the rest is already up on MMF and sent out.


Thanks, but I haven't had a Redeem mail for Descent. I just checked and only had August, September, October. I did have the mass mail saying Nautiloid was nearly ready, but figured you might have been waiting to do both at once. Hence the question. So, a better question would be - do I ask you or MMF about the Redeem z November mail? Thanks in advance! Jeff


Hey Jeff, thats also in the message 😛 you need to contact MMF support so they can help you out!


...which I noticed after posting 🙈. Sorry for the hassle, I've been a bit distracted with other stuff the last few days. All the best!

Gzus iza Juggalo

These previous packages are absolutely gorgeous! Are there ever holiday sales if you go multiple purchases? I was looking at these with my wife and she is excited about a few of them! Even at the member price it would add up reaaal quick :)