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Hey everyone!
We were thinking about trying this out, making a base pack for each month's theme and we finally did it!

For patrons this is 70% off --- just 3$--- this week starting today on MyMiniFactory!

Use discount code: CelBackpack on this product 





Got them.


Really cool, but if you are thinking of doing this each month, you may want to make more square bases than 2 :D Some of us might use them for 9th age for instance :D These look great, great prize, but don't need them - might need the next month batch if they have the above :)


I want to give some constructive feedback. First off, I think these are very reasonably priced for what they are (though they should absolutely be offered presupported). But I also think this is not the best avenue to sell them. Without naming it, I left another patreon a while back because their posts became a channel to advertise content for sale that was not part of their monthly releases. I am not talking about offering a monthly discount to get past content--everyone does that--but content that is only offered via a storefront elsewhere. Also bases that go with existing content is kind of weird, because it feels like it should have been included. Not everyone is doing bases included in monthly releases, but some are at the same $10 pricing so you are going to see some negative feedback in that regard. As well as confusion as to these not being included etc. I think if you guys have the extra time to generate some cool content (and feel it is not necessary to add to the existing patreon tiers, which is fine) then you should amass a big chunk of quality, themed-content and work towards a kickstarter. I wouldn't buy a $3 base pack but I'd jump in on some big themed $30 coherent kickstarter content block. Just one opinion but hope this is constructive to hear.


Great job! And for all the free loaders..... Come on. $3. These sculpts they are releasing are well worth it.

Kuro-Group ArtStudio

Hi guys, the discount only is this week?My card this week will not work, I am supporting other projects and it is getting heavy: /


I agree with @Nicholas. I think the issue is how it was presented to patrons and how the patreon tiers are listed/worded. The kickstarter idea is definitely a way to go and seems to very popular. Profitable I don’t know. Most people here feel connected and believe they have helped you grow and get where you are. Regardless if it is true or not, it is how it is perceived. From what I can tell, these are “upgraded” bases for the monthly release? I myself have no problem with what you are doing/have done with them as we get bases for the models that you do release.


Hey Falarose. You had separate and unique bases for 1) the celestial messengers / trumpeteers, 2) Omniel 3) the celestial Hounds 4) the Coatl. Also this purchase is not mandatory, you can opt out of it.


At $3 this is a no brainer, just my opinion. I know what I get for my monthly pledge and I have never felt like I did not get my moneys worth. Any "extras" I would not expect free, especially in the scope of this base set. I do appreciate that I am able to purchase it at a deeply discounted rate and i for one look forward to seeing this option monthly.


Quality work, another reason to be a Patreon, at the discounted price it's the same cost as a coffee!


Falarose they aren’t forcing you to pay it. Ultimately it’s your decision. You decided to pay for the extra tier.... you also decide to support other developers... yes free loading applies you want extra stuff for free. Loading up on free stuff. If it was offensive take none. Just simply read the words in their context please.


Initially I was a little put off by the "extra pay for extra bases" but when I looked at the pictures I realized that these were WAY MORE than just regular bases. These are diorama bases which are way beyond the detail in regular bases. I do agree with some previous comments with giving the community a heads up about this stuff will let the patreons know ahead of time about one offs and such. If the diorama bases become a regular monthly thing, then maybe having another tier would be useful. For $3 these are an awesome value both for content and value.


Beautiful bases for a great price! Even considering the amazing bases given this month, and including the more basic smaller bases, this is great!


These are nice bases indeed, but other Patreons I support include them in their $10 tier (Raging Heroes, Titan Forge to name some of the most popular creators on Patreon) as well as presupported files and loyalty schemes, so really, I will no go for this. It seems a bit exaggerated.

Jeffrey Ernst

Im assuming the key expired? (fails)