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"In the fetid depths of the cursed marsh, I beheld the Stitched Abomination, a grotesque fusion of flesh and decay. Its presence invoked a primal terror as it lurched forth, a testament to the folly of my pursuit into forbidden realms. In that moment, I glimpsed the abyss staring back."

The Stitched Abomination is one of the 75+ monsters included in our upcoming book - Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond launching on Kickstarter on May 21st!

The ghastly creation known as the Stitched Abomination, a grotesque amalgamation fashioned from the disparate remnants of countless corpses, each limb and sinew meticulously woven together with macabre precision. Animated by the vile currents of necromantic sorcery, this abhorrent construct teeters on the brink of decay, its form a testament to the relentless march of time and decay.

As the cadavers comprising its grotesque form decay into ruin, plagued beings, driven by sinister purpose, replace them with fresh flesh, perpetuating the cycle of decay and reanimation. The air within its foul husk thickens with the putrid stench of death, fermenting into volatile gases that linger like a grim promise of destruction.

Beware, for should flame meet the festering gases trapped within, the Stitched Abomination becomes a ticking bomb, its innards a volatile cauldron of explosive potential, ready to unleash devastation upon any unfortunate soul who dares to provoke its wrath

Wanna hear more about Erevans Guide to Death and Beyond? Make sure to follow the campaign HERE!




Peter Ball

Hi Guys, I am sure this question has been asked a bunch, and answered so I apologise. I dont play tabletop games, but just want the STLs of these fantastic beings. Will an option in the KS be available for someone like me, whom doesnt need the book content, and wants the STLs only?