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"In the shadowed heart of ancient woods, where whispers dance with the moon's soft glow, the Bodach roam—a spectral echo of forgotten tales. Clad in tattered shrouds of bygone days, they tread the misty paths, their hollow gazes piercing the veil between worlds. Born of enigmatic origins, they stand as silent sentinels, a haunting chorus in an unknown, dark symphony. "

- From the "Chronicles of Dreadwood" by Erevan

The Bodach is one of the 75+ monsters included in our upcoming book - Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond launching on Kickstarter on May 21st!

Bodach, ominously dubbed the “Old Men of the Wood,” once haunted the twisted forests as malignant beings of folklore before being ensnared by the archdemon, Orcus the Ruinlord. Garbed in tattered remnants from a forgotten age, they present a grotesque parody of nobility with skeletal visages and emaciated forms. Their pallid flesh, tinged with the grays of corruption and age, bears the marks of enduring malice. A dense, unholy mist perpetually envelops them, shrouding their bent silhouettes as they silently patrol the woodlands, the quietude broken only by the chilling rattle of chains that drape their limbs. Voiceless—save for when echoing Orcus's commands—they serve as his silent heralds, their baleful eyes acting as portals through which their master observes the Material Plane.


The creation of the bodach was once veiled in secrecy, known only to a sinister hag whose name has been lost to legend. Their cursed existence began, whether by the hag's defeat or her cunning machinations, as a dark boon to the Ruinlord. Now, these Undead wardens are both a weapon and a curse to the archdemon. Every life they extinguish and every cadaver they harvest fortifies the endless ranks of the Undead. Simultaneously, their perpetual murmurs and eerie visions plague Orcus, a ceaseless clamor demanding his focus—each of their psychic whispers vying for attention, as persistent as the ocean's roar and as distracting as the beat of countless wings.

Wanna hear more about Erevans Guide to Death and Beyond? Make sure to follow the campaign HERE!



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