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Brooke continues. A few changes taking place: I'm going to save these at larger file sizes so they look better on higher resolution monitors. I've included the prior pages in a .zip file at this higher resolution, so you can save them that way if you're making a collection.

I've also decided to move these pages to the $6 reward tier. this ecompasses most people already, but I felt like it's a good way to make this tier more valuable since I'm planning on making this black and white format a thing. Looks like I'm doing approximately two per month, although I've done three in Feburary.

EDIT: I forgot to attach page 8 at full resolution to the entry. I've edited the entry to put that. Sorry!




What can I say? Again I really enjoy the balance of lewdness and comedy and Brooke's expressions just kill the bird! XD When I think about the chance that there even might be a second full color comic of her soon, my heart skips a beat! :3


Booty like an onion ;3


I wonder if her fantasies will happen or only in her mind.


What I wouldn't give for a beauty like that gal! Brooke and me got the same idea hehe


Now Brooke understands how all the other guys felt. XD


Unf! I'm loving so much about this series.


Man I sure hope Lynne studies at this college.

George Humleker Jr.

Hehehe hey if she manages to get into her 'perfect tops' graces there's also a cutey with a cock to give her some of her usual 'something something' to boot! Best of both worlds!

Glenn Sellers

What would make this funny would be if Brooke's fantasy girl has a boyfriend/lover that's about Brooke's size. LOL.

Dark Kuno

Dat drool LOL


...my type of ass xD. I mean whoa. Nice~


Is that Mary? Also will there a consistent upload time period or will it be uploaded when it's done kinda thing?


It is. And the pages will be posted as I have time to finish them, so there will not be a precise schedule.


Jaytacular as always. Brooke definitely goes to a better school then I did.


"Jaytacular"! ^.^