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Hello, steering committee tiers! As I get closer and closer to the end of The Gift, it's time to start steering the direction of where we're going to take the next big project. Lately, some of my projects have taken on a strange "sexual montage" kind of tone, which I don't really mind. It just feels like a pattern and I'm wondering if it's a good one. So, I have a list of projects on my mind as well as descriptions of them below. This is also the first post where I'm going to try to use Patreon's new engrained poll feature. So let's hope it works!

Lynne's Wager - A holdover from my last poll, wherein Lynne exercises her tremendous capacity for depravity in an effort to win a bet by getting her current boyfriend to break up with her. This will feature a series of events instigated by her to follow this through, to which she only increasingly arouses the man she's trying to shock. It will feature a lot of the things Lynne is into, including a lot of cuckolding, anonymous sex, pee, group sex, risky sex, incest, and voyeurism. The overall tone will be depraved, but also a little funny.

 Lynne and Penny (working title) - Sort of a twist of an idea with Penny I've been working on, that involves kind of a Jekyll and Hyde scenario that has been tickling my imagination, lately. It will revolve around them as jogging partners, and a new side of Penny not yet seen, before. This has the potential of being a relatively short (under 15 page) comic. It will probably feature tight clothes, everything Lynne's into, Penny the trans, and likely some rough sex. The overall tone will be light.

The Mind of Brooke Reed - Playing on her little self contained black and white pages I've been doing for fun, I thought I could put together a fun, and maybe slightly humorous peek into Brooke's mind, where she plays out various omnipotent fantasies involving the men and women she meets every day, for whom she has soul-wrenching crushes. It would be another "sexual montage" type project, similar to "Aron" was last year, only it would be her own fevered imagination instead of a recollection. It'll feature all the things Brooke is into, including butt worship, older men, girl on girl, sweat, inappropriate sex, with a dash of social awkwardness. Overall tone would be light and maybe a little funny.

Erotic Philosophy - A sort of how-to about what I think about when I come up with stories and characters, how I decide how characters behave and act, and what kinds of stories to put them in. A little bit of design philosophy and story philosophy thrown in. This is really something I've wanted to do for a long time, and to be honest, I'll probably do it eventually - it'll just take longer to do if it's not voted as a full time project ahead of any comics listed here. I'd end up doing parts of it in my spare time. It'll be text, with heaps of erotic illustrations to indicate points. It'll cover everything from story types, to character design, on down to expressions during sex.

 The Mission - Set in the Cottonwine universe, this is a tale I've been sort of tinkering with in the back of my mind for some time, involving two Human paladin missionaries on an assignment to spread the ways of their religion and culture of a tribe of Equines. The story will have the tone of a fantasy journey, with an emphasis on natural temptation, instead of drug induced. Would contain some fantasy violence, the tone of steady corruption, unfaithfulness, tribalism, and fertility. It will also depict encounters with more than just Equines. It will focus largely on the transformation within one woman, rather than a multitude, and feature entirely new characters from that world.

 Feedback and thoughts are always encouraged. If you have any ideas for stories, feel free to share those too. If any interesting ideas catch my fancy, I may be able to expand them into something workable.

Now let's see if this polling feature works. I'm going to set the end date for a week's time from now.



I've been a bit intrigued by Brooke


I would not complain about new Original Life content showing up. :p (I'm prob'ly going to say that every month)


Brooke is by far my most loved character and the fetishes you combine with her are really my kind of taste. The Brooke in college works woke up my hunger for more and combined with the funny and steamy atmosphere within these pages I really hope this project will win the poll. I really appreciate that you let your fans take part in the process but I already said that lots of times. ;-) Thank you for your hard work and your creative ideas and if I have an idea which is not totally out of question I will gladly tell you! Have a nice day, dude!


Brooke is okay. The Cottonwine Universe is dope.


I have been dying for more stories from the Cottonwine universe as has a dear Dutch friend of mine. The universe is my favorite. I recalled u mentioning the Elf author from the Field Notes and those Porcine on a Bestiary so this new premise is interesting but well looked forward to nonetheless


Part of me really wants to break open this world in one swoop, but another part of me wants to keep it as mysterious as possible, and reveal pieces in incomplete drips and drabs. I think I'm leaning toward the latter, lately.


Plenty of things that take place in the same universe. As to the original main characters, I've sort of run out of ideas regarding them for now.


It was a hard choice between either of Lynne's stories for me. She is my favorite character, by far. You've done it before (a little), but I would love to see a nice long comic of her cuckolding her brother with his friends.


I am torn between Lynne and Penny, and the Missionaries....


I'm all for the Cottonwine Universe!


I am a little more shocked with not doing any stories of Red panda's lol.


I like Brooke. I like Lynne, but I'm not such a big fan of depravity.

Glenn Sellers

It was a hard decision but I decided to go with Lynne's Wager. I'd love to see what she goes through to win her little bet. Knowing the mind of a certain artist/author, her boyfriend would be turned on by everything she does to try to get him to break up with her. LOL.

Glenn Sellers

My second choice would be The Mind of Brooke Reed. There's just something about that raccoon girl that interests me.


I'm gonna keep throwing out there you need to do your goat story! You have mentioned it here and there for years and I think it would be a great way to check out a character who has mainly been in the background


I'm so torn between Lynne's Wager (voyeurism combined with cuckolding is so my thing) and your Erotic Philosophy I'm not sure I can't choose. I'll try to wait a bit and see what other people seem to be leaning towards before I come up with a final decision.


I think I've forgotten most of the old ideas I've had revolving around that character.


Well hopefully you will come up with something awesome to do with Goat. I believe in you Jay


I've been a patron for a year now and I don't normally post my thoughts. I'm kind of a quiet guy. I like the porn you make not because of sexual arousal, but because of the engaging stories you create. I was wondering if you will ever make more like Better Days or that Armored space bunny thing. Its not that I don't like the porn( I love it) but I would like to see some other stories from you. Just thought you should know.


I sympathize. There are some more mainstreamy things I want to have the time and energy to do. I wish I could clone myself.


While I don't mind which particular story wins, Brooke has certainly been a prominent figure in recent posts and comics and while she really is a great character in many ways I'd hate to burn out on her for another three or so months worth of comic pages especially since we're currently getting "Brooke Goes To College". The diversity of Lynne's Wager sounds great so i'll vote for it.


I like the whole furry universe around Lynne, Brooke and the older characters most. So i like to vote for all but the Mission.