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New stuff hasn't been as forthcoming because I'm prioritizing the main comic project to ensure I have enough to upload by the 5th of March. Once I'm set with that, we'll have more updates to Brooke's story, along some follow ups to Kaori's last picture.

Thank you for all of your support! Sorry the updates haven't been as frequent!




Thanks for your artistic efforts, I appreciate them.


It's the short month. Understandable. Not worried. Stay healthy. And GAWD Dixie looks like the best kind of hot mess.


I know how short a month February is, we appreciate your diligent work

Ed Daniels

No worries, I’d rather see fewer updates if it means the quality is going to be the same, don’t push yourself

Vylon Delta

These are crazy times we live in, and if lack of updates are all I have to worry about I’m good


Nothing like a little slight of delays gonna hurt anyone lol do what you must 👍

Rose Head

No apologies necessary just do your best and the rest will follow


Apologies not required! Trying is only second best to doing! And you certainly do what you do the best! I'm looking forward to this next story, this little snippet has peaked my interest! 👍❤️


Hoo damn I like that tooth! Nice visual touch!

T-rex 1973

Waiting with baited breath for more BGTC


No need for apologies, looking forward to all that is to come.

Rose Head

The biggest question is whether she’ll forgive Justin and try to keep him for herself or be so mad at him that she Tells all the others about his sexual outings to ruin his harem. Or something else entirely….


They're not a couple. The beginning of the comic just reveals that Dixie is *interested* in becoming one on a serious level. I'm not sure where the assumption that Justin is committing some kind of grand violation and requires her forgiveness comes from.

Rose Head

…….you may call me Nostradamus I will surely forgive you😭. In my experience women don’t usually just want something physical if it doesn’t go through a relationship. But maybe she won’t get mad and is just genuinely curious about who all he’s seeing 🙂…..maybe there’s more behind it and she really does like him. 🤷🏾‍♂️ who may say…..

Rose Head

He isn’t doing anything wrong but that doesn’t mean Dixie won’t be jealous

Leo G.

February = Global Let's Take A Moment To Just Worry About Ourselves Month


Looking forward to it


dude, take whatever time you need. Everything is hitting the fan these days, and the last thing anyone needs is burnout.


Nooooooo!!! I’m loving this comic😂