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I had no idea Chasing Justin would end up approaching the 30-ish page mark, but here we are, 25 pages in. This current section is the last section, so it'll be wrapped up in another month or two. I like how most of the pages are coming out in all sections, but for my money, Calypso steals the show.
Back issue list will be the same until July, when "Penny's Problem" will be a year old and added to the list. Wow, time flies.

Back issue links:









Man Justin seems to be the best human to have around this farm town because that is a lot of women to be wanting him

Rose Head

Very good very good. Excellent work fabulous!!! Exquisite!

Rose Head

you are given full praise


Hahah, “I smell dick” just cracked me up, wonderful

Texas Gent

Oh god the rabbit farm was hilarious! And I gotta say while some might not be into it, I’d love to see more of what’s going on at the gay rabbit farm


Page 24 made me think of the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Mine? Mine! Mine! XD


I'm wondering if you're most proud of Calypso because of all the effort depicting 'wet t-shirt'. Because that is still impressive. But the kink for it is second to the bunnies, where swarm sexuality is very new and hot.


I think she just came out more stunning than I thought she would. I sometimes shy away from using extra dark color schemes for characters, as I fear it would conceal too much. But I'm just smitten I guess.

Rose Head

Every time I close my eyes

Rose Head

These farming rabbits should have their own comic 😭👍🏽🔥🔥 love em!

Viro Veteruscy

Bunny Farm comic would be fun >w>


Hot fuck I think I have a new fetish...

Infamous Paradox

Is the rabbit farm run by a single family or multiple families?


They are going to snu snu him to the afterlife aren't they?

Texas Gent

So were the male buns just absolutely fed up having to please their female buns around the clock that it made them gay?


OMG! Dixie biting the doorframe so hard that she can't be pulled free made me laugh so hard that it made me dizzy!!!