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General updates for comics, as well as an archive of back issues through 2012 were sent out to $6+ tiers on Sunday. The 5th is the customary date I send things out, because that's the date when Patreon sends all the money they've processed for last month's pledges, to my account. I noticed there do appear to be a small handful of pledges which are processed after the 5th, and I'm wondering if I shouldn't push the rewards message to the 6th of the month, just to minimize the number of those straggling accounts which not yet be processed by the 5th. I only get a message about it from maybe one person every few months, so I'm thinking it's not that big of a problem. As patronage grows, and I get more messages about it, I may move the date up.

A few things to look forward to. I'm going to be doing more work videos for the $12 tiers. I'll be finishing up the fourth installment of the Rise of the Wolf Queen this month, and starting into a story about Aron. I tend to do adult stories from a female perspective, and I'm interested in doing one from a male perspective, this time around.

The end of the Wolf Queen story will kind of set the Cottonwine world at an equilibrium. I think it will be the final chapter in the theme of the "animal races seducing human women" vein, for a long time. It's kind of run its course in my mind and I'm not inspired to keep doing comics about it hoping lightning strikes again with the same popularity of the first Red Riding Hood comic. The universe will still be there for expanding upon and world building, and there's part of me that still wants to do a world guide of some kind.

February was the best month, so far. Thank you all for helping make this such a success.


PS: ALSO! Because this just came up. Those who manually type in $6 to pledge, instead of clicking the $6 pledge link with the reward on my front page, are signing up to pledge that amount while declining their rewards. If you do that, you won't be included in the mass message that goes out to give the $6+ tiers their rewards. Please cancel your pledge and re-pledge through the link on my front page for the $6 reward tier, and you will receive rewards like everyone else in the future.




I still hope to see a Bestiary of all the Cottonwine Universe creatures from you cause that would be quite the fascinating read. Can't wait to see the dramatic conclusion to the current arc of Wolf Queen ^^ And as much as Aron appears in your work we've never read from his POV so that will be an interesting comic ^^


Thank you for the kind words and the interesting idea with the POV comic. This 'll be fun! Also looking forward to your working vids. I always enjoy watching them and have some Ben and Jerrys ice cream! 😄


The Red Riding Hood/Wolf Queen series has been a long and enjoyable one. I fully understand that the well may be running a tad on the dry side after all this time. But when does this ever not happen? Any long running story, be it in the movies, on TV or in a book, heck, even video games, the ideas start to run dry eventually and only forcing the ideas result in degraded quality... to say the least. As for waiting that extra day for rewards, I have no objection an extra day. And in the end, it's not really adding any extra days except for the first time and then it's only one day on top of thirty.