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As promised, I'm getting back into the work videos for the $12 tiers. Kind of a reintroduction and to reopen the comments section for more questions that I can answer in future videos.  So, if you have any questions that can open up topics to discuss in future videos, let me know. Thanks and enjoy!




Probably THE QUESTION I'd think would be nice is... Your most relatable character to you, and has your Naylorverse changed you in the world today at all?


And if that's too philosophical.... Are you pleased with how your Naylorverse came out?


New patreon here, long time fan of your work. My question is, I've seen you do some work with my little pony, has there ever bee any thought into maybe doing a full comic with it? or do you just prefer to stick with your original content?

Joshua Garcia

I first started contributing in February (and I'm immensely glad I did!) and really do love your newest creation, Hilde. When you do decide to create new characters, what kinds of sources do you pull inspiration from (e.g. is there something in particular, or does "everyday life" have more of an impact?)


How are you finding the current OL pages? Are they turning out how you want them, or better than you were expecting? Really enjoying the pages, good to see Fisk and Beth talk again.


You always seem so busy all the time. I'm glad you found someone and hope you have some time to unwind. It's understandable to be a few pages short. You make a pretty demanding schedule for yourself. Six fully colored/shaded comic pages, 10 commission slots, posting on patreon, FA and all your other feed/pages/etc. I see people complain about artists not producing enough, but everyone has a life to live. Things happen and I'm just glad to be here supporting you. I suppose my questions would be to you. Do you feel uncomfortable when I ask you (or anyone else for that matter) for gay or homoerotic art? I'm not saying you have anything wrong with it. More along the lines of what are your opinions on doing such? Also do you have any upcoming conventions you'll be going to?


I sometimes thought about if you might date someone or even be married. Now I have the answer! ^^ I bet you have a dozen ideas of what might be a good drawing for patreon and I wanna ask you if you ever thought about the idea of giving us some examples for what´s in your mind for a single peace or a small series and let us vote for them like we do with the comics. :-) Have a great day and stay awesome!

Glenn Sellers

I finally got the chance to watch this video tonight. I need to watch the next two and I'm hoping to do that over the weekend. I do have some questions. I'm going to watch the other videos before I ask any. I want to be sure that my questions aren't answered in those videos before I ask.