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Decided to make another vid while I was working, today. I ended up talking about video games, superheroes, ethics, and The Watchmen.




nice video :). I've never heard any one say that they didn't like that badman survived in that movie. It's kind of shoking to hear that some people think that way. In my opinion a hero deserves to live and get his happy ending, he's the one risking his own life for others. Why doesn't he deserve to live? Like living somehow makes it less heroic? Did you encounter many people with that same mindset or are there only a few? As for the army thing, people mostly sign up to protect there loved ones and county (at least that's what I think), it's kind of strange to be send out to fight a war in another country that doens't really effect your own country or the people you want to protect. If the army does want to engage in that kind of a conflict they should ask for volunteers that are willing to fight and posibly die while defending people of another country. (apologies for bad english).


I've always enjoyed open world games, but I've always been a fan of strategy. I like planning and managing resources. Bethesda, does make great games. Enjoyed the setting and story of Fallout 3 more, the downside was the karma system. I really don't like those in games (Fallout, Mass Effect, inFamous). To me its a lazy mechanic that give the illusion of having a choice, when the story is going to progress the same way no matter what. Fallout New Vegas was good as you said because it ironed out some of what was wrong with the first game. The downside to me was how easy it was for me to take over the place. Its like the Joker said, "If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger, will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all, part of the plan. But when I say that one, little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!" That's all I could think of when you spoke of ethics and heroes dying. People accept it because has just become the norm. I can agree that the hero doesn't have to die. I do enjoy a tragic hero but it has to be within the correct setting and be appropriate. The last Batman movie was bad on so many levels, I didn't care how it ended. I just wanted it to end. Though in a way Batman did die, Bruce Wayne lived in the end. I'm in the service for more selfish reasons. I wanted to help my friends, see the world, get the G.I. bill and get paid. Its not a career, a life style. I don't care about politics. Its a job with ever decreasing job security and benefits.


Great vid! I loved the Mass Effect 3 score.