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Hello, everyone! "Marital Aid" is almost finished. It's a pretty concise and short comic, but one I wanted to do for a while. With that, I have a list of the kinds of things I want to do next, and it's up to you to weigh in on it so I can tally up your preferences. The entries below are all working titles, with nothing set in stone.

1.) Rise of the Wolf Queen 4 (final chapter) - The last chapter in this tale of the Inquisitor and her wolf companion, as they successfully infiltrate a hostile wolf tribe. The usual themes for this series will abound. Atmosphere: dark, but hopeful.

2.) Lupe's Lifestyle - I've come up with a way I want to encapsulate Lupe's life in a unique kind of comic that literally will span decades in time lapses, from when she's an adult teenager, to a seasoned mother. Her emphasis on preferring canine lovers will be expressed, with heavy themes of easy sex, human female/canine male, breeding, pregnancy, etc. Atmosphere: light, fertile, steamy

3.) Mai's Dom - Mai and Minh in a comic about Minh's authentic jealousy for the only other male that Mai seems to love. Themes of chastity, teasing, older-man-younger-woman, etc. Atmosphere: steamy, slightly twisted

4.) Audrey and Mary - A little whimsical expose of the sexual roles of Audrey and Mary in their relationship. Various themes of playful dominance, switching, size difference, body worship, etc. Atmosphere: cute and sexy

5.) Rachel's Owner - Swirl deeper into the depravity of Rachel's sexual compulsion and addiction, this time under the ownership of the only kind of man who can handle her without getting burned. Themes about dangerous sex, risky sex, depravity, group sex, voyeurism, teasing, you know.. Rachel stuff. Atmosphere: dark and depraved.

If there's anything I've mentioned in prior polls that I've forgotten here, feel free to bring it up. If there's any *specific* idea (not a general "have these two fuck" idea) that you may have as well, don't hesitation to mention it, as it might snowball into something that interests me.





Still would love to see the story of Goat and that nun you have mentioned before. I think he is a fun character we haven't seen except in small glances in other comics. It would be nice to get some backstory on him! Besides that my vote is for Lupe.


Here are my top 3 pick's. I know you can only count the first one. 1. 3.) Mai's Dom 2. 4.) Audrey and Mary 3. 2.) Lupe's Lifestyle


Oh goodness! I can't decide between Wolf Queen or Audrey and Mary. So yeah....Either 1 or 4

Goth Skunk

Oh goodness! Such a variety of good choices! 1) Mai's Dom 2) Rachel's Owner 3) Audrey And Mary 4) Lupe's Lifestyle 5) Wolf Queen Ch. 4


Lupe's Lifestyle sounds downright lovely to me, but so does Mai's Dom. So those two are at the top, and then Mary and Audrey, and Wolf Queen, and Rachel. Well, Wolf Queen might be up a little higher because it's the final piece in a big story. I would also -love- to see more of Fisk. Of all of your characters, he's definitely one of my favorites. And it's been a while since I've seen anything with Lucy, too.


Wow decisions decisions. My top vote is for 1. Lupe's Lifestyle: The few pics you've posted of her and the canines have been a real treat and I've been longing to see her story when she's not talking philosophical matters with her brother Pablo. 2. Rise of the Wolf Queen Ch 4. It's my favorite comic series from you and you left us at quite the cliff hanger in the last chapter. I really wanna see how this story concludes and what it may set in motion for events in this fantastic universe you've created. Besides from those 2, I really miss Fisk, I kinda wanna see you do a comic on his and Red's earlier spy days before his marriage where they fooled around.


Rachel's owner, definitely.


I vote, "Rise of the Wolf Queen 4." That comic is what made me a patron in the first place. Thank you for asking!


My vote goes to Lupe's Lifestyle and then Rachel's Owner.


Audrey and mary


For me, I'd have to say it's a tie between Lupe's Lifestyle and Audrey and Mary. I feel like you could do a lot of cute and sexy stuff with either of those ideas.


Such a tough decision. I would really like to see someone involved with the nun and goat. We only saw goat in a few random drawings and in one of the huckleberry ann comics. Other then that, my votes goes to lupe. 2,4,5,3,1 In that order from 2 being the one I want the most out of the list


I think a comic involving Brooke would be wonderful, but out of those options i'm most interested in Lupe's lifestyle.


I personally would like to see a comic featuring Lucy and Fisk involving a drunken mistake but if i had to pick from the choices above i would have to go with #4. There just isn't enough cute in the world to describe Aubrey and her shenanigans.


I know right! Id really like to see something of Fisk and Red when they had a fling during the secret agent days before their marriage. And we haven't seen Tommy and Lucy in a while either,


Rachel's owner for sure


Lupe's Lifestyle would be my first choice, then Audrey and Mary.


3. mai's dom for sure.

Leo G.

For the options given: 1) Wolf Queen 4 2) Lupe's Lifestyle (I think this is a very interesting overview idea, btw. I'd like to see it with a few other characters as well, like Sissy.) A suggestion for a different idea would be an examination of the nudist mentality that many of your characters have.

Jim D

I vote for Rachel's Owner


Lupe's Lifestyle


The Cottonwine universe is the best! Wonder what that Varker Tribe is gonna do with the girls ;)


We've been waiting for a Lupe story for a while now haven't we. Bout time we finally got one.


Audrey and Mary definitely. I love those two!


I vote for 1.)Rise of the Wolf Queen but 2.)Audrey and Mary would be a welcome sight, perhaps Arron could make an appearance or down the road sometime


My vote goes for Rachel´s Owner! :3 Wouldn´t mind seeing Audrey and Mary of course! :-) Thanks!


So much. Well I would like to see: 1: Mai's Dom 2: Rachel's Owner 3: Audrey and Mary 4: Lupe's Lifestyle 5: Rise of the Wolf Queen


You have good taste. Well to me anyways. I chose mine and scrolled to see what was the most likely thing to come of the poll and I see I've copied your list.


Lupe's Lifestyle sounds interesting to me! I miss Lucy Black though. Any chance we'll see her again?


4,5,3,2,1 in that order.


My personal preference leans towards Rise of the Wolf Queen Ch. 4, since I love the setting and I'm always eager to see more of it. Lupe's Lifestyle seems to be an interesting project as well, though it looks like it would be bigger than just one volume, so it comes a close second to me. I also had an idea going around in my mind for a while, but I'm not sure if it would be possible. When I read Better Days, I found that the way Fisk and Lucy stopped staying in each other's arms and started looking for other candidates wasn't fully explained, so I thought a comic covering how they eventually grew out of their relationship might be interesting to see. I know it may be a bit old, but well, just speaking my mind.


I have been loving the Audrey images of late, she gets my vote!


Have you thought any about doing a comic about Fisk's bachelor couch? That would be a fun story and would give us some insight into the women that Fisk looked into when he was single. Plus lets be honest everyone loves Fisk!


I agree with the Fisk's bachelor couch idea, that was something I was always curious about. I know he was with at least four other women before he married and settled down. but I've always wanted to know if that was all or if there was more. However, for this month I thing the Audrey and Mary would be good.


Fisk's Couch. That couch has seen some things, man, and some stuff. So yeah, that's my vote. As far as the others go... Rachel doesn't interest me, not one bit. Audrey and Mary are always adorable, though I'd rather spread out their work so it's more appreciated when it does appear. ...and I just realized I'm an idiot... You wrote "Mai's Dom." I read "Mai's Mom."