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Sorry I haven't done much for the Steering Committee in a while, but I did want to open this discussion up with you here, and allow you all to contribute. Instead of doing a poll, I want your general comments on any particular topic that you'd like to see from me more regularly (or at least just once) in the future. It may be something new, or something I've done before and stopped drawing. Let me know here.

Please also read the comments and click the hearts on whatever you agree with, so I can get a good picture of what people like.

Things I already plan on doing more of as the year inches toward completion:

- Brooke Goes To College

- Continuing Mistress Theressa's guide

Examples of subjects that you might like to see more of and open for discussion:

- Characters I haven't drawn in forever and where they might be now

- Fetishes/actions/subjects you don't think I draw or write enough about

- Features/rewards for Patreon that you might like

Anything and everything else really. If there's something you're curious about and would like to see, it's your privilege to talk with me, and other fans, about it here.



I'm usually not great with new ideas, so I apologise I can't think of anything much in that regard. I do know I love seeing Beth often though.


Amy and Austin from Little Lamb Adventures.


You did a one point do the "Ask a character something..." Reward some time ago. This kind of thing would enable you to tackle a bit of everything if the right questions were to emerge


I would love to see more of Kaori! But otherwise, do what you do, man. I always enjoy your work.

T-rex 1973

How about more with Elizabeth and Fisk? And I would love to see more with the Bad Love duo.


Leo, Lucy and Tommy would be wonderful!


Kaorikaorikaorikaorikaori.. Kaori? Please?


I absolutely am dying for you to continue Mistress Theresa. It’s one of my favorite comics from you and there’s still a lot of it to be revealed. I love what you’ve done with it so far


I also would like to see your Ask your Characters series which was always fun not to mention to continue fleshing out the community Lioness you made. And in regards to characters missed I would be neat to see some again like perhaps Robert and Jessica or Mary Anne or The Inquisitor and Rarnay who I feel like you could flesh out and or have fun with


At some point resurrecting past characters showing where they've been and where they are going would be interesting.


This always comes up. And honestly, since they're living their "happily ever after" moment, I have no idea what more I could do with them other than just draw them having sex again.


Personally i would like Beth to be around more

Glenn Sellers

As for characters I haven't seen in a while, how about Mandy? I'd love to see if she ever returned to her time. (I believe I've got the right character and/or situation.)


I think the direction you go now with Beth and Trixie is an interesting and good one. And it would be nice to see Trixie with one of her other lovers. Beside Beth, we only could see Ty in rare occassions and the other dog guy in an old comic featuring Ty? And Trixie. And one of your best comics is Offline. Maybe you could set one shots / single encouters with other characters in the same comedic way. (please forgive me my bad english. I rarely use it)


Offline is one of my favorites too. I loved doing it. And your English is great. Thanks!

Bryant Holmes

Mistress Theressa was great and I'd love to see more of it. Maybe some Huckleberry Anne, 'The Itch' was a great comic but really even with her husband was fun. You also never really fleshed out her brother who seemed to be a bit of a lothario with the local female furries.

Buster Davison

Here’s a potential blast from the past: what’s Doris Henderson doing right now? And I haven’t seen Lance Cannon since you did that request drawing a while back. Also, I’m curious to find out where Alexander ended up after the end of Lenore.


Id love to see more chastity and denial play. The Gift was fantastic. More cuckold play could also be great!

Dale Evans

So glad hear you’re planning on more Mistress Theresa!


Would like to see some bits of sexual self discovery. Following along as someone finds out they're gay or have a fetish they decide to explore, etc.

Dale Evans

Using this space to say Penelope is my favorite “new character” of yours :)


I would definitely like to see more of Red's story! Also, seeing more gay characters enter the mix would be wonderful!


I’d like to see orgasm denial with some of your favorite characters and couples.


In a nutshell, Priscilla character development, please. I've always wondered about the origins of Priscilla's house, the how and why of her starting it, or if she took it over from someone. What happened between her and Trent breaking her heart and if it relates to the house she runs. Since she's pregnant does she intend to leave this house as a legacy to her child(ren) or keep it secret? I've also wondered how her house relates to Melissa as a potential/existing rival dominatrix. One a white poodle, the other black. My mind is a flurry of curiosity at the possibilities. Could be appropriate considering she is pregnant and possibly reflecting. Priscilla is a mysterious, complex and intriguing character. Am I possibly reading too much into these stories, yes, but I like thinking about the lives your characters lead outside of the snippets we are shown. Not sorry. ;3


Gotta put in a suggestion for some Zoe development, as I usually do. Both because I enjoy her character design and the personality you've created for her already, but also because I fall in to a fairly small fetish niche focused on (potentially extreme) physical flexibility - and she has demonstrated some of what she can do. She seems to enjoy showing off her flexibility at least. If you're unfamiliar with this niche and/or would be interested in some ideas, I'm happy to help plant some seeds. Thanks as always for your work, Jay. Can't wait to see where you take us next.


Those are characters from before I even had canon worlds. I honestly have no clue.


How does someone "find out" they're gay? I knew I lusted after women the moment I sprang my first pube.


I'd like to get into her life more, but whenever she comes up in polls, she doesn't do too well. I think somehow I haven't fostered a big BDSM themed audience.


I have to second the request for more Kaori. She's my favorite of your characters but sadly she never seems to poll well for some reason... I love her outlook on relationships and would enjoy seeing her either break down a relationship for her own enjoyment or maybe watching her collect lovers with complete ease such as in the "Queen Bee" visual.


Yeah, she's a character who acts as antagonist. I think she doesn't poll well because people don't like her because she's mean. Which doesn't mean she's a bad character, it just means she's a bitch. :3


id like to see some potentally extreme fetishes, like sone deep anal play, like deep enough to do some belly distension. otherwise, more huckleberry anne stories and exploration of her sexual adventures.


Maybe Sheila Black and Sam have a little flashback to when they began their sex life. How’s that sound, Jay?


Hi Jay! Hope you are doing well. I honestly would love to suggest more of Lucy Black. I know I have asked for her before a LONG time ago XD I figured one more time, but last I asked you had no real plans. I understand if she has nowhere else to go, but I suppose after Mai and Minh, it popped itno my head again. I know you also said Patreon doesn't approve well of the subject, but if anything, I ask for something with Lucy, even if not with FIsk or anything.


I mean they have a flashback to a sex scene when they were younger👩🏼👨🏼. Like when Fisk and Lucy we’re still kids. No one wants to see an elder couple have sex🧓🏻👴🏻🤢🤮! LOL


That's not what I meant. I meant other than "they had sex" I'm not sure what'd be special about that picture.


I'm still kind of leaning away from involving Original Life's family settings as an atmosphere for sex stories. Sparky's back story is rather sad and probably soul crushing and maybe not something exactly fun, but still.


1) Amy! 2) human male/anthro female. 3) Haiku the Hero!


I would like to see more female characters getting dp'ed (a girl being sandwiched between two guys). That particular position, I must admit, is my favorite to look at. It does not have to be every female, as you have some in commited relationships, but a few.


I'd go the total opposite way on that one. Would love to see the occasional F/M/F threesome dropped in. Hell, I may actually die from excitement at the mere threat of a human M anthro F threesome. Especially in the cottonwine universe. Human male getting absolutely dominated and used by two female wolf tribals? Yep, hair stood on end from the thought.


That's a tough one. DPing is specifically one of those things that doesn't do anything for me, so I have no interest and find it's less arousing.


The second one is on the way. The third will never happen. It's not my world.


Personally, if we're talking things we'd like to see more of. I'd love to see more of Fisk's kids. Maybe in college? I know you don't do the comic updates often anymore, but one of the reasons I fell in love with your artwork is from Better Days and the growth of these characters. I'd love to see more of that. Though I understand lewds pay the bills.


I fell in love with your stuff because of your stories and character development. And not just simple shallow "cute meet and have sex" stories, but deeper and more serious stuff. You're a great artist, and the sex is great too, but I know you're a good writer and do adult subjects well as well. Brains are attractive 😁


Thanks, Michael. That means a lot! I'm glad my stories can draw people in on different levels, as imperfectly as I execute them at times.


I think an overlooked fetish is estrus: a near-irresistible compulsion to have sex coupled with the certainty that pregnancy will result if one gives in. It's why the old Mrs. Doris Henderson comic is one of my all-time favorites. It would probably fit better into the more-feral nature of the Cottonwine universe.


I love the stuff you do and I'm always happy to get a new kink from you, even if it means you feature some stuff I don't favor. My faves are usually all things pregnancy/impregnation related and also the content related to the twins^^


I would love to see more Mistress Theresa.