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"Enemy" has begun, and here at the first six pages of the story. If you want to download them all in one fell swoop, you can also find them attached to this post as a .zip file. I'm taking my time on this one, so I hope you can indulge me if you're just waiting on the sex to start. It will. There's a lot less text and dialog in this comic, and I'm just letting the story tell itself mostly with visuals. 

The back issue list is still unchanged, and will be until the next rewards update in November. At that point, "Offline" will be added. Hard to believe it's been a year since I drew that comic. It was one of my favorites to work on.

Thank you all for your support. These comics wouldn't be possible without you!
















I can come to appreciate this comic, not much of a fan of human and furry but this may open a different perspective for me. Will love to see more in the future!


I love it so far! Based on the visuals, I'm actually intrigued as to what you have planned.


I like the story vibe your going with so far. And Rayka is somewhat cuter then I expected. The snow scene was quite cute :) I wonder what made this human pity her hmmm

Seth Smith

I'm excited to see more of the new comic! I love mostly visual story telling


LoL I love that expression on her face when she goes out the door and ends up in the snow and is like "WTF" I am excited to see the next pages or Enemy. Thank you for your hard work.


This looks so intriguing! There’s so much freedom in where the story can go, and I can’t wait to see more!


You don't draw human characters that often, and this was certainly an interesting facet of your artwork to see, without a doubt.


I'll admit, part of my inspiration for doing this story was to practice male human faces.

Bryant Holmes

I love stories like this... my family have always been the adventurous type, theres many great stories in our lore that begin with a complete inability to communicate. Two of my grandfathers best friends, the Cho family, they could speak almost no English when he became their medic at an internment camp. Now they're closer to us than half my blood relatives.

Nicholas Kratzer

I'm super excited to see where this goes.


HA! Love the sixth page. I especially love her expression in the last panel. XD Also, zero objections from me about a bit of story/plot before sex begins. :D


take your time, im gonna love to see how this ones gonna progress


Raykas wild and scruffy fur looks great. This is something I miss the most when it comes to wolf characters. I know such a detail needs more time, but its worth it. Also there already were Tommy, who looked more mature with scruffy hair.


Could you put your name on zip files? It makes it easier to keep track of.


You can change their names when you download them locally if you want.


Okay, her falling into the snow with that expression was the best part. That snowball on her head! LOL


This story looks really interesting! Keep up the good work, Jay! This is just a suggestion but could you possibly make a tutorial article/ video on how you approach making a story?


I suppose I could come up with something but I've never thought I was that good that I could just talk about technique. I can mostly just talk about the way I like to approach things, without trying to sound like I'm some literary genuis.

Chris Shaffer

I've been curious for a while as to what a human male-wolf female story in this setting might look like. Really looking forward to this one.


The return of the Cottonwine universe !!! Personally I have little interest to none about furry on furry stories so i have been waiting since forever for The Mission , Chapter II or for the ending of Mistress Theressa... so thank you Mr. Naylor for this new Cottonwine entry, the art is as always gorgeous and the story look promising. ^^


I know it was a corny movie back in the day (1985) but Enemy Mine shows that enemies can become allies and even family.


I am absolutely ecstatic for this latest erotic masterpiece. My favorite niche of the furry genre has always been human male on female fur. One of my staple fantasies since I was a hormonal teen with an overactive imagination was imagining experiencing such a sexy, exotic and sensual anthro girl. I know a great many people in the fandom who prefer adopting a "fursona", but that was never the case for me. I love the erotic potential of inter-species relationships between humans and furs, especially when there is a stigma or taboo involved, and this story seems to be headed in that thematic direction. Very much looking forward to seeing more of this unlikely relationship unfold. The art is gorgeous and the attention to detail really comes across. My deviant heart is overjoyed. Thank you, Jay! You are my all-time favorite erotic artist and storyteller.

Reptiles of Lustria

This is an excellent start to a wonderful story. I really am impressed by your details and taking the time to really flesh out where the characters are placed, you do an excellent method of inducing the appearance of space. This is my favourite genre as well, is human and anthro, one can easily place themselves into the scenario. Besides, what man would not wish to rescue such a cute, delightful and hardy anthro lady who, once assured of safety, will likely wish to return the favour in kind ;) Excellent work Jay, keep it up. Been watching you quietly since the mid 00's and still impressed :)


My favorite short comic of yours is 'New Worlds', which I've never seen the finish of. So sex is less important to me than a story and good characters. And little or no dialog is fine as well. The thing that drew me to your work in the first place was 'Better Days' and 'Original Life', neither of which has a lot of explicit sex in them. Tell a good story and take your time. Oh, and I agree the expression in the last panel is wonderful.


Raykas is one cute puppy, can't wait for the rest of the comic! Keep up the great work :D