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It's time for piercing options. Several things to note:

I encourage you to download and view the attached image file at full size so you can see the options up close.

To make things simple for us and condense the choices, I went with a "cascade" kind of options list. My justification is that the piercing schemes get progressively more aggressive and bold, and that if she has her nipples or clitoral hood pierced, she probably also has her ears pierced. At the very least, people who want her nipples and/or clit pierced, probably don't mind that she also has the other things pierced that come with that option. I simply don't have the bandwidth to offer every conceivable permutation of piercing arrangements. And ultimately, whether her hood piercing is vertical of horizontal is kind of splitting hairs when it comes to what it says about the character, overall.

On jewelry color, I think silver goes better with her hair color, than gold. If you disagree, we can discuss it, but most importantly:

You're not voting on exactly the types of rings, studs, and hoops I may have drawn here. You're specifically voting on the holes she's had placed in her body. The actual piercing jewelry can be changed and varied, the way people change clothing.

Poll ends in 24 hours. Enjoy!




i would say ear, nipples, and hood keep some surprise to who ever the gets with


Kinda like pincushion surpassingly

Glenn Sellers

I prefer no piercings to simple ears but, I figured that aggressive ears would be the most popular. Guess I was wrong. LOL. BTW, what is a snakebite piercing? I'd never heard of it until I saw this.


Her tongue would nice with a piercing. But I don't know about her hood.


Ya, agreed. Thats how my girl friend does it so that she can maintain a "professional" look at work but then again she also doesn't have colored hair.


snake bite is the two different sides of her bottom lip that are pierced


Voted for 2, but I have a sneaking suspicion that 3 or 4 will win. They're at the cutoff point between "professional appearance" and the "daddy had boundary issues" hair.


I'd prefer no ears but maybe some nipples but hey, nothing works too


It looks like the majority of people do not want any piercings. It’s kind of a bummer though; I was really hoping that she would stand out a little more from the other characters. Don’t get me wrong, I love almost all of them but after a while they all kinda start to blur together. As far as I can recall the only other character with any piercings is Rachel and she rarely pops up. Additionally she is a “trashy” person, I thought it would be cool to see this girl overcome obstacles and succeed in life despite having dyed hair, piercings and a poor up bringing (not that there is anything wrong with being poor). But oh well, I’m probably putting way to much thought into her back story and ignoring the fact that she is very attractive and well made without all the extra bells and whistles. I look forward to the future growth of the character 😆


Pieercings/bodymods aren't the only things that differentiate people


Very true. This comment is specific to the context of this pole. Im sure that this character will have plenty going for it without the body mods.