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Another poll we have to get out of the way, which will affect how Serena's story starts off, and the kind of sexual person she is when we first meet her. You need to rate her level of sexual experience to help me get a grasp of her personality and what kind of arc she will go on.

Remember, she's 27 years old. You're not voting on what she will be doing or how you want her to "end up". You're voting on what she's already done when we meet her. None of this determines what she's locked in on for the rest of her life.

1. Virginal Experience - There's been some fooling around here and there, maybe a boyfriend or two. Not necessarily a full on virgin, but almost practically so, with maybe only one tentative sexual experiment in her past. This start will be good for journeys of discovery and awakening, and realizing sexual sides of the character. Think of it as almost a blank slate.

2. Repressed Experience - Unlike ordinary virginal experience, for whatever reason, she has few real sexual encounters due to deep psychological repressions heaped on her in the past. Likely factors are guilt, strict upbringing, familial "pride", or religiosity. Stories that start from here will very likely revolve around overcoming these blocks and being able to express an array of repressed fantasies and urges.

3. Average Experience - Relatively normal experiences growing up, boyfriends come and go, virginity lost in the late teens, more relationships as a young adult, with normal healthy sex. This start will be good for stories that question relationship choices, and confront unique new sexual partners and experiences.

4. One-Relationship Experience - She's had one long term relationship in her life, perhaps with her high school sweetheart, perhaps with her boyfriend from college. It's either been coasting on inertia ever since, or has recently ended in some way, with her ex still around in some capacity. She's experienced sexually, but not in dating and meeting new people. Stories that start this way will revolve around these issues of new dating, inexperience, awkwardness, and lingering relationship remnants.

5. Heavy Experience - Relatively heavy levels of sexual openness and acting out in her life. She may gravitate toward transient relationships with men who aren't the most stable, and she may maintain a batting order of sex buddies outside of relationships. She's probably tried the moderate kinks you'd see in your average porno, "just to see." This level of experience usually comes with psychologies: intimacy and compulsivity issues. This start is good for characters who dive right into sexual adventures, with arcs that revolve around these encounters, and her (and others') attitudes toward them.

6. Skewed Experience - Not necessarily a heavy experience (though it could be), but an early experience with a taboo or unorthodox relationship that skews her desires. This can manifest as a preference for men far outside of her peer group, crushes on relatives, seeking anonymous sex, boundary issues, etc. To have a character that revolves around any drive like this would require an additional poll to determine her earlier skewing experience and her current preference.

7. Fetishy Experience - Her sexual experience is full on into the fetishistic realm, already. She actively seeks out, or is in, kinky, fetish-oriented relationships. BDSM clubs, role play environments, the full immersion into the worlds of master/slave relationships, safewords, strap-ons, and red bottoms. Starts like this are similar to the "heavy experiences" starts, with stories that revolve around her and others' attitudes towards these kinds of encounters, and perhaps the contrast it has with the normal world.

8. Sex Addict - A full compulsive disorder where she's just about unable to help herself every time she sees the chance to get laid. As an attractive young lady, she finds tempting men with casual sex very easy, fueling her impulse to fill her anxious needs. She may engage in sex with strangers, and/or regular partners. Stories starting here will likely revolve around the contrast of compulsive, casual sex, with normal society, and the inability to have healthy relationships.

This turned into a more detailed poll that I intended, but I had fun doing these write ups. It was great exercise.

Poll ends in 24 hours. Have fun!



I'd rather think she's got some experience personally


I was pretty torn between 1 and 8 but I thought their would have been at least one vote for 8.


I realized as I was writing it, that 8 could be seen as robbing the character (and the committee) of choices.


I really thought the repressed experience would have gotten a little bit more votes then the heavy experience. Because I think the repressed experience would create more of a well-rounded storyline for the character and show the struggle that she's having to make herself better in her life with her friends and also sexual partners or a partner she might be with for very long time.

Jim D

I think we could give her a child if 2 wins. That would really repress her experience. It could add a great deal of interest to the stories. It would also explain the "Daddy Issues" and give her a need for a stable job. This could be a later vote about family. Sorry for going off on a tangent.