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This project was mentioned in the prior post to the public. You, in the steering committee tier, have the privilege of participating in the design of this character and his or her subsequent adventures. The guidelines are as follows:

- This entry is *ONLY* to determine the physical traits of the character, not their name, history, or whatever. That will come later. The fields for input in this entry are listed further down.

- The character is *not* constrained to inhabiting one of my created universes. The kind of world/setting the character inhabits will be decided by the tier after the physical characteristics.

- Existing species/races only. Mixed breeds/races are fine, but no hybrid species (no cat-dogs, folfs, etc).

- Reasonably natural-like color patterns only. Don't make me cry.

As I receive input, I will keep a tally of what kind of species and types people want to see. If I see repeated calls in a certain direction, if I see seconded opinions, thirded, lots of "likes" indicated by hearts below comments, I will take note.

If you are not in a creative mindset, but still want to participate, do so by clicking the hearts on comments containing things you like and agree with. This will help me determine the direction you want to go. If you only like one aspect of what is mentioned in that comment, just comment that you like that one aspect. I'll make a note of it.

Your comments/input may be as simple, or as detailed as you want. But bear in mind, this entry is for physical traits only. If you have any ideas for names and backgrounds, keep them to yourself until it is time. Divulging these things now will just create clutter. 

Fields for Input: 

1. Gender: The gender of the main character we'll be following, male/female/trans/whatnot.

2. Race/Species/Breed: Anthro races should be based on existing animals/breeds. The more specific the better. Instead of saying "dog" say "German Shepard" for example. Choosing excessively exotic/unheard of species may work against you if people don't know what you mean. Feel free to provide additional color detail and examples here, too. *NO FAN-MADE RACES AND NO COPYRIGHTED RACES PLEASE* That's right. No Sergals. No Skiltaire. No Kzinti.

3. General Age: Just a general age range of the character, 18 an over.

4. Body Type: Anthro-humanoid only. No ferals. Give as many details and examples as you want. Things like "slim" and "athletic" are fine. But even better would be "slim and athletic" or "curvy and athletic" or "curvy and soft", for example. Don't use overly subjective terms like "average". I'm going to take "average" to mean average by my standards, which may not be yours.

5. Additional Physical Nuances (optional): Anything else relating to the character's physical characteristics that don't quite fit into the other fields. Things like exceptional shortness or tallness, nipple circumference, missing fingers, whatever. 

Additionally, even if you see a prevailing tide in one direction (say, everyone seems to want to see a female main character), and you want another direction, offer it, and offer a reason why. You may get enough support/likes/seconds to be considered.

Moreover, the physical traits that are decided WILL INFLUENCE the range of personality options available in the next round. For instance, if it's decided the character is physically fit or even muscular, I can't offer a slacker-type couch potato personality to match with them. Keep this in mind.

Also, if your character input becomes very popular and much or most of it goes into the design of the character, don't become "attached" to the character as if they were yours. Additional rounds of voting may see them having a personality, setting, and encounters you never envisioned. This is a group effort.

I will stop considering input on this entry after two days. On Monday, December 4th 2017, at 1800 (6pm) Eastern US time, I will stop considering input. Don't feel hurried to get something in. You have time.

Have fun!




Female, Clydesdale horse, blackish-brown coat, black mane, fit to the point of visible muscle but not to the point of being a giant block of muscle (think lifting hoddyist, not muscle farm fanatic), green eyes, around 6’3”, age between 25-35, cropped tail, small discoloured patch of fur somewhere (does not matter where). This work for a description or would you like more?


1. Trans (M to F) 2. Fox 3. 30's 4. Curvy and athletic


1. Female 2. labrador 3. late 20's 4. Curvy & fit


1. Female 2. Red Panda 3. Early 20's 4. Curvy and athletic


1. Female 2. Corgi 3. Mid-late 20's 4. Thicc 5. Short (Obviously!)

Viro Veteruscy

1. Female 2. Frill-Necked Lizard 3. Mid 20's 4. Curvy & Soft 5. A bit short, about 4'10''


Like this? 1. Female 2. Mouse - Light Gray 3. 18-22 4. Slim and soft. 5. Short, large nipples, pronounced clitoris that protrudes from hood, almost to the point that it could be sucked on. Bi with a wild/crazy side but absolutely a lady in public.


1. Male 2. Siberian Husky 3. Early 20's 4. Lean and athletic 5. 6'0"


Like that. Only I don't need the personality traits yet. That'll be determined in later. Thanks!


Gender: Trans(itioning?) F to M (though may require some work in researching real life stories of what that entails, emotional process, etc. if you want to make a story out of that so could be more work than you're happy with) Race/Species/Breed: Hyena Body Type: Athletic, muscular (but not body builder muscular, enough that you see tone/definition) Age: 25-30 Hair style: Punk or emo inspired, non natural colours, long on one side, short on the other, maybe partially shaved Physical nuance: paler coloured crotch, buttocks, etc., just a shadow of abs


I left hair style out because it lends more to personality, which we'll cover after this.


male/femboy (not sure of a better wording) 18 tabby cat (ginger and white colours) slim and toned from exercise (jogging and light weight lifting), short, green eyes, 5 inch penis. long dark hair tied into a ponytail with colourful streaks through it. has a heart shaped fur discoloration on the inside of his left thigh.


Male horse, mostly black coat with mottled white mixed in around nose, hooves and hands. Mid-20s. Very muscular, tall and intimidating. Personality is laid back but friendly unless he gets angry, gentle giant type, knows how to handle himself, confident in his own abilities. As a horse he's well hung, slightly bigger than normal for someone of his size.


1. Male 2. African Wild Dog 3. 24 4. Skinny but slightly muscular build, tall, handsome (Of course) 5. Pierced left ear, calming green eyes, Above average dick size, Waddya think?


Male, tomgirlish looks, bunny. Both ears pierced with hoops, mostly white fur, with black patches here and there. Above average dick size. Hair, about back length, curly towards the end, black.


Does "tomgirlish" mean feminine? I've never heard the term before.


Female Candian Lynx, 25 year old. A slim body. For the rest I propose an heterochromia (one eye black other blue) plus an inverted nipples. For color, I propose a dark grey for buddy and main color and a dark purple for her short hair. *Extra challenge, put glasses, I don't remember a work were a girls wear glasses.


Leaving hair for later, but thanks! I have characters who wear glasses, but they tend to take them off for sex.


Yeah, Elizabeth, I just remember... by searching. I'm so bored.


Pervert, seal of approve

Jim D

1. Gender: Female 2. Race: Mountain Lion 3. Age: 30 4. Athletic and Curvy 5. 5'10", long hair, with no piercings or tatoo's


1. male 2. Arabian red fox 3. lean and muscular body 5. dark blue eyes and an ear ring or two.


1. Male 2. Siberian Husky/ Eurasian Wolf Dark Grey coloration of main body with streaks of white here and there 3. 30-35 4. Tall(5'9"-6'5") medium muscular build 5. cold and calculating ice blue colored eyes , advanced prosthetic right arm, perpetually has a slight smirk on his face.

Johnny Grimm

Gender: male species: Aardwolf and Mexican wolf mix. Age: 25 body type:lean and athletic. Physical nuances: though his body has color his hands are white as making him appear as though he is wearing gloves. Dark Brown eyes, black hair, short flatop haircut


1. Male 2. Dachshund 3. 20‘s 4. Slim and lean 5. Small height 6. Maybe black/brown fur


1. Female 2. Lioness 3. 45-50 years old 4. Slightly chubby, but curvy 5 5 to 6 Foot tall 6. Light Tan to golden blonde fur, royal blue eyes, slightly exposed fangs, saggy but not too saggy breasts I hope this helps, Mr. Naylor!


Gender: Female Race: Hyena Age: Mid 20-early 30s A curvy body but tight body that shows she is working out. Round and voluptuous butt and breast size like the one Sparky has got. 5: Light blue eye color, punky hair, small nipples, maybe a slightly bigger(?) butthole circumference to get a nice contrast and eyecatch of the dark part between the cheeks, small clitoris and a nice cameltoe, tall (around 180-190cm). Third hyena here but I always liked them when you did them.


1. Female 2. WolfCat 3. 20-26 years old 4. Thick and slightly slim 5. 6 1/2 foot tall 6. Light golden brown fur, grass green eyes and short dark brown hair.


Petite female Siberian Husky with long black hair and blueish green eyes.


1 female 2 species black and white panda 3 21 4 think a little plinp but not overweight 5 around 5 feet tall 6 black and white fur maybe have a heart pattern on her rump and have her have green eyes with spots of brown here and there as for personality i havent thought much of it maybe a upbeet personality thats slightly ditsy at times but intelegiant and not a dumb girl. Some one who is fun but can be serious and someone who holds friends and family close


1. Male 2. Coyote 3. 22-25 4. Slim and athletic 5. Ice blue eyes, charcoal grey fur, feral genitals, about 6 foot, and doesn't have hair; preferring just his fur.


1. Gender: male 2. Canine breed Australian cattle dog mixed with Belgian shepherd. Ears and tail that of the Belgian Shepherd but fur pattern consists that of the Australian Cattle Dog. 3. General Age: 22-23 4. Endomorph Body type. He would be short and stocky standing around either at 5'6 or 5'8. Having large shoulders and round soft body with a medium athletic build. 5. Other than physical traits. Keeps nice neat black fluff as his hairstyle on the top of his head. Has a 1in scar coming from the outside corner of his left eye curving inward from running into branches of trees as a kid. Is technically overweight for his height but still keeps a medium athletic build for his body type. Brown eyes with a hint of green in them. Has bags under his eyes from staying up late nights playing video games. Last his his canine cock at full length is 5in to 6 inches with a thick knot.


1. Female 4. Not a granny


Good choice! :-)


1. FtM transgender. 2. Russian Blue cat. 3. Late 20s - early 30s 4. Toned but on the leaner side rather than muscular. 5. A bit on the shorter side of things due to originally being a woman. Also has grey/silver fur and green eyes (Due to being a Russian Blue)


Female Elf (Any Type) Early 30s Lithe, Slim and Perky I wanted to suggest a humanoid option as the cottonwine series has some really interesting designs and most of the suggestions so far have all been anthro races


1. Female 2. Long-Tailed Chinchilla 3. Late teens - early 20s. 4. Semi-rounded facial profile due to her chubby chinchilla cheeks. Generally while she's not an athletic build or anything, she's still small framed with a flat tummy with any existing body fat there to accent her rounder features. Her chest is not overly big, but is more than made up for with her natural perkyness. Her figure itself would fit the definition of the hour glass, with her hips being the most defining and curviest feature. From behind, her butt would be the first thing anyone noticed about her, shapely and round as per her species, accented nicely with the long, fluffy furred tail that curved upward toward the back of her head. Her thighs are well developed along with her calves, if she were considered "fit" anywhere it would be there. Some might call her a bit stout in appearance thanks to her lack of height, but overall, everything fits in place proportionally, it just so happens that the best proportions were toward the lower half. 5. Short, mainly due to her species, topping out at just under five feet tall. Again fairly large tail comparatively, or at the very least the exceptional amount of fur there creates a lot of volume. Overall, she is coated in a layer of thick, fluffy fur during the winter, while in the summer it is much shorter, though her tail volume never seems to fluctuate much. Small nipples to go along with the smaller chest size, maybe at most a low C cup.


1. Male 2. Husky 3. 21 4. Athletic and slim 5. He was born with a deformed index finger on his left hand.


1. Female 2. Wolf-German Shepherd hybrid 3. Mid 20’s 4. Full curves and top hourglass body type 5. Brown coloring on the back and arms with tan on the hands and tan outlining the breasts and flowing down the stomach to the hips and outlining the crotch. Silver hair with blue highlights and a snowflake tattoo on the top of her right hand. 5’10” or taller and has gold eyes


1. Male 2. English bulldog 3. 30's 40's Mid life crisis age 4. Strong with beer gut "dad bod".


How many characters are we aloud to submit?


One. But don't think of it as "submitting a character". You're submitting the *attributes* you'd like in the main character.


1. Female 2. Arctic Fox 3. Late 20's Early 30's 4. Slim, Athletic, Smaller bust (a-b cup)


Female, dire wolf, shy yet loyal. Skinny and small cup size (a preferably)


1. Male 2. Barnesse mountains dog 3. 24 4. fit frame but still have alittle weight on him 5. black, brown, and white coloring