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Longest title ever. But what is this about? Let's start from the beginning.

I'm always on a quest to increase the reward value of the $12 tier, giving them greater consideration on their input, voting on new projects, and access to videos. It recently came up that they can have a greater say in some things they'd like to see "happen" in stories. I declined this because I wanted to maintain full control of my own creations.

But then I thought: What if the Steering Committee had its own collective creation?

Then I thought this might lead to a fun, ongoing experimental project, which might entertain me as much as it does everyone else, in allowing the $12 tier to design a main character, decide on their personality and setting, and go on an adventure guided by a tally of their comments.

Soon, very soon, I'm going to make a post to the steering committee tier, outlining the initial character creation guidelines and allowing them to begin to shape this new erotic hero. The character itself, when done, will probably be shared with all tiers, while the story adventure, when it kicks off, will be shared with the comic reward tiers ($6+).

Thank you, and let's hope this experiment bears interesting fruit.




I would love to help with such a great endeavor.


Dude...awesome!!! This really is a fantastic idea and will be a lot of fun. Thank you for taking good care of us! :3


Time to let the creative juices flow. This will be interesting.


I like this idea, I like it a lot. This could be fun Will the universe the character inhabits also be up to the steering tier to decided

Bryant Holmes

This sounds like a lot of fun... and we get to find out how twisted we all really are


Oh man, this is so cool! Can't wait to see what we come up with!


It won't even have to constrain itself to being in one of my universes. The committee can determine the nature of the world the character inhabits.


Let's all work good together and make it a fun time. :-)


Obviously, the character the Steering committee should create should be a steer. Of course, the downside would be boring sex scenes.


Yaaaay (=^_^=)


Hooyah, this will be a fun little project.


This sounds really cool, can't wait to see where this goes!


Sexy Protagonist Inc.


Yay! Glad something my suggestion gave you an idea. :D


sounds awesome. cant wait


Very interested to see where this goes! :D


never mind upgraded to 12 hope to see more good content from you.


This sounds like work D:


I have been a follower and a major fan for years, but never really had the money to be a consistent 12 sub nor the time to follow the day to day new posts....... This just threw all of that out of the window 12 dollar sub here I come!!!!!


Fan driven? Oh god... Neon colored wolves with glowing eyes and genitals here we come :P

Vivianne Claire

I definitely see about trying to snag that tier if I got the chance, hopefully it doesn't get filled up too quickly.