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Works' been started on the latest adult comic, the third installment of the Wolf Queen series. It's been a year since I've worked on it, and I need to go ahead and get back to it. Also, I'm going to be out of town for a few days, until the 14th of this month, so there'll be no updates until then. But things will pick right back up as soon as I get to my work station. Thank you!




Will this be the final comic of the series?


I need to go back and read the previous issues so that I can be up-to-date with events when this one is finished. Looking forward to reading it.


Sounds good! Have a save trip! :-)


I have been wondering when this will pick up. To my confession, it isn't my cup of tea per say, but its lore intrigues me. Nice to see you working on it once again. Enjoy your trip, Jay!


Have a safe trip! And yeah my favorite series is back! Hopefully we see more changed males.


Can't say for sure about that. I have so many characters, I tend to pay attention to them in phases.


Which part were you responding to? >.> The part about Cottonwine getting a new comic or the changed males? This is just an opinion of mine, so take it as you will. But I've always felt that changed males never got as much attention as they should. Red's old boyfriend has been the only one that's gotten more then a single panel and then he vanished without a trace. :( Only other changed males that appear is the one character at the end of the first comic arc who was working as an attendant to a Priestess. One Elf in the Field Notes and then one character in the second volume of the second arc. Otherwise they never seem to show up or even get mentioned ....Hell's Bell's I've actually been thinking of trying to get in line for Commissions to get some artwork of them done whenever your free to do that. ^.^; Regardless. I hope your trip went well. Sorry for the rant.


Oh. >.> Well now I feel just twelve kinds of silly. Sorry about that. :o