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I've been noticing some delays in message notifications being sent out as emails from Patreon, since yesterday. I'm wondering how quickly people are being notified of new posts, private messages, and comments.



Times are GMT+13. Sissy's Loose 2 came through at 1756 9/9, Patreon Being Slow came through at 1317 6/9, Sissy's Loose 1 came through at 1436 5/9. Interestingly, I've just noticed I never got a notification for the Indigirl commission. Still waiting on the notification for this post to come through as well, I'll try to remember to note when it does.


Haven't gotten the email for the new commission that was posted today and it took 9 hours for "Sissy's loose 2" to get there yesterday.


Indigirl commssion mail just came through, 1311 10/1. Aaaand, I just realised I've thought it was September for some reason... o.O Those dates are all supposed to be January up there...


Yeah mine have been delayed by up to about 12 hours (have not seen this one pop up yet).


It seems to vary. I've noticed that sometimes notifications are prompt, but other times they are delayed or even multiples of the same notification get sent. I think it was... November, there was a couple of days where everyone would get about ten of the same notification in their email all at once, for each notification sent out. Safe to say Patreon still have a few bugs in their system to iron out.


This notification arrived after nine hours, the Indigirl commission after seven. Sissy's Loose 2 arrived at 11:47pm (Eastern) on the eighth. I see similar delays on notifications for other creators as well.


Took 10 hours to be notified of this one.


I received this message 10 minutes ago.


Received 2:31am, CST. Saturday, January 10th.

Kenno Arkkan

I got this message on my email 6 hours ago. so that's 10 hours? O_o


Received on Jan. 10 3:28am EST.


Looks possible on my end, my email shows that I received this message twelve and a half hours ago, but as I write this, the post shows it was made 22 hours ago. Not a worry for me though, I hope it helps.


There does seem to be a delay with notifications for me as well, as I apparently got the notification for this post 13 hours ago, yet it's been up for 23 hours according to Patreon's timestamps. As long as the notifications still get through though, it's not a huge inconvenience for me personally.


Received email message @ 2:35am (CST) on Sat, Jan 10.