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Wound down today with this. More to come.




i wish your oldest work was downloadable and not so pixelled like it appears here if you try to open it

Sharlan Mousie

This is pretty much exaclty my thing. Especially with Flounce there. Mice rule!

Goth Skunk

This is very relevant to my interests. I've always found Flounce to be a fascinating bottom.


Missed these two. Great to see them again. ;)


I take it you plan on exploring this avenue in Flounce & Persia's relationship the next time they get another comic?


This is certainly a grouping I'd love to see more of ~Nick

Robert Kassebaum

I like your warm up and cool down sketches. The way you use contrast of shadows to breath life into these character is . . . divine.


Very nice :)

sevrl bats

your characters all have such strong psychologies, even when they're not talking. I totally love that TOG is focusing on Persia and not on Flounce, like, y'know, he doesn't mind railing some queer if it means he gets to seed his hot-ass wife into the bargain, but she's where his attention's going. so much personality just from posture.


I don't think of Flounce as "some queer" and that term probably isn't very welcome in civil conversation. But yeah, I try to put a little more into characters than just the ordinary.

sevrl bats

it's been the standard term us LGBTfolk have used as a collective noun for a couple decades now, don't listen to those dicks who want it to be a slur =P


African Americans can use the n-word with each other all they want, but if one used one here in casual conversation, I'd ask them not to. Also adding the "some" to the front of it seems very dismissive of Flounce, and presumptuous of the attitude of the person fucking him. Just so you know. :3

sevrl bats

no, I mean, like, in universities the academic discipline is called "queer studies." it's the formal, generally accepted word, not itchy slang. and I can only read the attitude that I see! you can't expect people not to interpret what you create.

sevrl bats

at any rate, to clarify, 'cause it's bugging me, yeah, I perceived some orientation play and objectification from the setup. objectification hardly has to be negative or even unaffectionate, as I know y'know, 'cause a lot of your female characters are really into it. I dig a little objectification myself, so that was the narrative I read into the image. it was only the mild, consensual and playful kind I was seeing, since Flounce is obviously lovin it, which is awesome. if you want viewers to read your narrative into what you draw rather'n drawing their own conclusions, stick in dialogue! no, seriously, you totally should, it's always sooo good.

Kardas W Fox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:30:25 Always nice to see Flounce get his ass wrecked <3 I'd love to see him get pegged some day.
2015-04-30 04:59:32 Always nice to see Flounce get his ass wrecked <3 I'd love to see him get pegged some day.

Always nice to see Flounce get his ass wrecked <3 I'd love to see him get pegged some day.