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Hello! Next week I will break ground on the new adult comic project, and I want your feedback as to which one I will do, next. Right now, I have two prominent in my mind that I'm inspired to start: 1.) The Rise of the Wolf Queen 3 - The story follows the human inquisitor and her human-born wolf companion as they infiltrate the more hostile wolf tribe on behalf of the Wolf Queen. It will feature their lengthy sexual acclimation at the hands of a band of capturing hunters from the target tribe. 2.) Mandy the Mare (working title) - Mandy's pain from losing her husband manifests in anger and agitation, and she seeks a magical solution from Erzile, who knows what she actually needs. The swamp witch tricks Mandy into a series of sexually empowering encounters with submissive female humans and dominant male zebras. For those who don't remember Mandy, I've posted her most recent sketch sheet above. Also, if there's anything else you'd like to see in general, whether a comic in the future, or just more pictures and development of certain characters in my warmups, let me know. All of your feedback is appreciated. Thank you!



Andrew Smith

I would love to the rise of the queen 3, I'm excited.

Goth Skunk

I too would also like to see Rise of the Wolf Queen 3. It makes sense. Before your patreon began, you had planned to do it next anyway. I say stick with it.


I would be a big fan of the Mandy one. For the future I would suggest something dealing with Sparkys backstory. It would be a great way to see more of an awesome character and given the background you could even work in your new Persia model!


Haven't thought of a Sparky story in a good while. Much of her story is a drama, and not much for porn, other than.. you know.. her job. :3

Andrew Smith

Also I would love to see more of Audrey and Aron


I'm leaning more toward the wolf Queen title more than Mandy. Perhaps Mandy another month. Though I'm curious sbout what happened to the Haukaiu storyline. I had really liked the layout and feel of that one. :3


That one was in Ollie Canal's universe and he's so hard to keep in contact with, I had to abandon the series. Now it's just been forever and I don't care to go back to it.


Definately shoe-ing in my vote for Rise 3

Marcus Nordan

Gonna throw my vote for Mandy the Mare. Very interested to see her in action

Robert Kassebaum

I have to go with Mandy. Her story outline is so sad. I would like to see if Mandy can overcome her lost.


Mandy's story seems very sexually charged and tantalizing so I think I favor that. For future work, I love your Original Life universe. To be more specific, more Fisk! Revisiting Tommy sounds nice too.

Marcus Nordan

Fisk and elizabeth comics are ALWAYS amazing.


It would be great to see you continue with the Wolf Queen series, but Mandy seems to be a fresh and possibly unique story. I vote Wolf Queen.

Psy Draggy

I'm all for Mandy the Mare. In general I'd enjoy seeing more of Zoe. Haven't seen enough of that flexible feline in my opinion.


I love Zoe, too. Good story ideas just haven't gelled in my mind around her, yet. But I love illustrating her.


I would love to see the Wolf Queen's next chapter, so there's my vote.


hard pick to be honest. #2 is the more interesting to be honest but #1 would be good to finally do another follow up to the series. but I would slightly more lean towards #2.


Mandy would be my choice. :-) Your ideas for her comic make me want to see this one next.


Zebra's are nice and all but I gotta give my vote to The Rise of the Wolf Queen 3 Concerning future projects I wouldn't mind seeing you touch up on some of your older/obscure characters, ones that particularly come to mind are Nikki, Tisha, and Midnight. Would like to see more of Sparky and her sibs too since I always liked that pic of her and her sisters with that little hyena dude, plus I would just like to see a hyena be the focus of one of your comics. Asides from that I think it would be cool to see what you had planned out for Arcelia and the Catholic School project you were working on too.


I agree with Goth Skunk - stick with the original plan for Wolf Queen 3, then let us have more input for the next one :D ~Nick


I'd like to get to know Mandy better.


Got to go with Mandy the Mare. Been a while since we seen anything from the Lumpkinville universe. As for sketches and warm ups, a short story arc of Audrey or Zoe would be cute. ;3


You keep listing these mostly abandoned or even obscure and barely developed characters. :3


In the absence of any Audrey option, I'm going with Mandy's story. Been a while for Lumpkinville, and that world always appealed to me more than Cottonwine did.


I'd be more curious at this point to see what Mandy's been up to since her last comic appearance. I was really excited to see you were drawing her again after so many years and it'd be interesting to see what kind of a personality she has, since that wasn't really fleshed out too much in her previous appearance.


Horse girls.


Quick question, how did Mandy lose her husband? As in he left her or as in he's glue?


Rise of the Wolf Queen can be fun, but I've got to toss my vote for Mandy. That one just sounds like so much more fun to read; I admit, I've got a weakness for Erzile and her tricks, and I feel like there's so much more potential there than in the Wolf Queen.