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“So, what brings you here tonight, cutie?” You smile at the young blonde girl in front of you.  “Love your dress, by the way.” You look down at her yellow sundress, imagining it crumpled on  the floor at the foot of your bed. 

“O-oh, thank you!” Riley gulps nervously, and runs a hand down the length of her thigh. “My friend bought it for me. I moved in from the country about a fortnight ago, and I’ve always been  into vore, so I thought, why not visit a vore bar and… uh, learn the ropes?”  

Oh, she’s a newbie? This is even better than you’d expected. “So you’re a beginner when it  comes to vore, are you?” You wink at her. “Well… I’d be happy to show you a thing or two..."


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