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“A lamia? Menacing the village?” Sheira repeated, looking up at the innkeeper in surprise. The  young adventurer blinked in surprise for a moment, and then grinned excitedly. “Yeah! I can  help with that!”  

“Yes…” The innkeeper was an older woman, with red hair that fell down past her shoulders.  “She’s been a big problem lately.” She sighed, and Sheira had to resist staring at the older  woman’s breasts as they bounced slightly. “Only last week, she attacked a merchant on the  road. Poor woman hasn’t been seen since.” Sheira nodded eagerly. 

“Well, don’t worry any more, ma’am!” Closing her hand into a fist, the  young adventurer tapped her metal armor. “I’m an adventurer. This kinda thing’s exactly what  we do!”


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