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I haven't been keeping up with my weekly updates as I didn't have much to report on. I've mainly been trying to catch up on my weekly renders so I have some renders done ahead of time. I finished all the weekly renders for this month except the alts. I aim to have the alt renders for this month as well as this months large set done by the end of the week. If I can I'll try to get next months large set done as well. After those are done I plan to focus on finishing the first release of Family Entertainment.


I already finished most of the renders for the first release but wasn't satisfied with the writing. The scenes I had planned seemed  somewhat rushed and not fully fleshed out. A lot of the dialogue also seemed robotic and unnatural. I replayed some other VNs I liked paying attention to the writing to help give me ideas on how to improve. I also tried writing some short stories for practice. I've started rewriting most of the scenes I had written. The new scenes seem a lot better. Most of the renders I have completed should still work with the new writing but I'll probably need to redo some of them. I'll also be adding in some additional renders to help flesh out some scenes.


Tried doing some post processing work on one of my Daz renders for better lighting. I wanted a night time scene but the initial render was too dark. I used the Color Adjustment Curve in Krita to lighten the image. Then on a new layer set to burn I manually painted in some shadows around the doorframe to make it look like night time. Could probably improve it further with a bit more work but I thought this looked good enough.


When I first started doing 3D art I wanted to create my own hand painted models. But creating models and texturing  them all by hand takes a lot of time. I started using Daz as a substitute for my own models while I learned hand painting. But now I feel like I've gotten so distracted with learning Daz that I've neglected my main goal of creating hand painted games. So I'm going to dedicate more time to learning hand painting again. 

Currently my plan is to divide my schedule between Daz and Blender/Krita. On Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays I'll focus on Daz/Family Entertainment and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I'll be focusing on hand painted techniques in Blender, Krita and Substance.


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