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The AMA is still ongoing! It's quieted down enough that I hopefully won't bungle this chapter upload, but I expect continued activity for some time.


Chapter 7

The auction house was a terrible place to read, which made Theo feel foolish with a book in his hands. It would have been even worse on the main floor, instead of in the House Blacksilver private box, but it was still rather noisy. More than once he'd needed to go back several paragraphs when he realized that he hadn't absorbed anything.

But with so much on his plate, he had no choice but to multi-task. Bad as his reading was, it made the wait during the auctions bearable. The previous day he'd thought that he could get through with soulcrafting alone and quickly learned that the bidding could go unbearably long.

His progress in soulcrafting had been mostly encouraging. He hadn't been able to figure out how to work voidflint without cutting himself, but everything else was going smoothly. His bathing chamber was complete until he found additional materials, the deathdust was working perfectly, and even the slitherscales proved easier to work with than he thought.

In fact, one of the few stubborn failures was the reason he was in the auction house: he still hadn't found a plant that would match his soulhome. Multiple options, both in person and in accounts, had been tried and found inappropriate, too weak, or unmanageable. When he'd tried to experiment with a compromise, it had died in the soil of his soulhome, just like back on Tatian. That left him with no choice but to attend the auction house in the hopes of finding another rare sublime material.

He stared from the box's window over the heart of the auction house. A boisterous central floor, a large balcony covering half the room, then smaller balconies and private boxes above, many larger than the Blacksilver balcony. Still, it had half a dozen plush seats in position to see the stage at the front of the room, befitting one of the Houses with multiple Authorities.

Theo realized that his mind was wandering over random subjects again. He wasn't sure exactly when his eyes had left the book, but he flipped back a page to be sure.

Part of the problem was that his reading was relatively dull. One of the few things he knew about Vistgil's plans and goals was that he cared about something called the Artifacts of Elghiera, enough to take major direct action to acquire one. Unfortunately, as far as the rest of the Nine Worlds was concerned, they seemed to be mythological.

Even after searching the Blacksilver archives and making requests to allied Houses, Theo had only come up with a few books that mentioned the Artifacts. This one was almost certain to be another dead end: a series of children's fables about magical baubles. Yet he felt obligated to read the entire thing in case it contained some clue that could put him on the right track.

Up on the stage, a bright purple shrub was driving the bidding up to tens of thousands of Fithan Discs. Theo didn't see what was so notable about it, but it might be nothing more than a fancy show of wealth. Unfortunately, that day's items were grouped by price, not soulcrafting potential.

When the shrub was finally sold, Theo briefly paid attention to check the next item. Unfortunately, it was another of the life-based sublime materials: strong enough, but entirely inappropriate for his blueprint. Theo sighed and looked back down to his book when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He kept his tone light but immediately readied his cantae, prepared to launch himself to safety if necessary. It was overwhelmingly likely to be someone from Blacksilver, but still...

"It's Kathina. Can we talk?"

Theo frowned and rose to pull open the door. It was a Fithan woman wearing robes of the House of Coin over practical armor, with hair dyed blood red. After meeting his eyes briefly, she smirked.

"I take it you don't remember me. And here I thought I was more striking than that."

"Kathina of the House of Coin," Theo said quietly as he dredged up the memories. "We met at the State of Rest when I was new to this city. Considering that we never spoke again, I can't say I was expecting this."

"Neither was I, but life has thrown us quite a few surprises since then." Kathina stepped forward, but he didn't gave way. "May I come in?"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here on behalf of the House of Coin with an offer that we believe you'll want to entertain." She smiled just enough to let her teeth flash like Fithan Discs. "Or, if you prefer, you could sit in your box and listen to the auction for the rest of the day."

Deciding that there was no point in being confrontational, Theo stepped aside and gave an over-dramatic bow to usher her in. He remembered Kathina being arrogant and dismissive, but that had been before a great many things happened. It wouldn't surprise him if her tune had changed since then.

"You know, I thought you were a presumptuous brat when we first met." Kathina sat down in one of the Blacksilver chairs and propped her feet up on the edge of the balcony. "If my superiors knew what I'd said then, they might not have let me make the offer. But since then, you won a very public duel against a superior opponent, cheated our gambling houses, ascended to Ruler, and led your House to a frankly baffling level of success in the Chasm of Lamentations. It's enough to make one reconsider."

"I accept your sincere apology." Theo sat down one seat away from her and folded his arms across his chest. "The House of Coin wouldn't have sent someone unless they had a proposal. Out with it."

"You've been doing some interesting research lately. We'd like to help."

She twisted her hand and pulled a book from her soulhome, extending it to him casually. Theo refused to take it and instead kept staring at her. "And just what will this cost me?"

"Oh no, this is a token of our esteem. I insist." Kathina propped the book on his arms with another smirk, finally meeting his gaze. "Given the value you've displayed, the House of Coin would like to recruit you. Ideally to our House, but we'd accept a liaison from House Blacksilver for the time being. This book is only the beginning of what we can offer you."

Since it felt like an ordinary book and he looked ridiculous with the thing balanced against his chest, Theo unfolded his arms and examined the book more carefully. It was an old but well-preserved record, an ancient history if the first page was to be believed. As he examined it, Kathina continued speaking.

"If Elghiera was a real person, they existed so long ago that the records have faded into myth. What I handed you, however, is a credible account of a real war fought over a number of artifacts supposedly connected to him. Ordinarily, ancient armaments are either too degraded to use or simply inferior. In some rare cases, they contain sublime materials or other investments that cannot be replicated. I don't know if there's anything to the Artifacts of Elghiera, but I'd start here."

"I see. Thank you." Theo slowly swallowed his irritation. He closed the book and set it in his lap before returning Kathina's gaze. "I presume that you have more that you're willing to offer me conditionally?"

"Oh, we'll give them to you. A little information without any clear value is a cheap price to pay for your potential favor." She crossed her other leg over the one on the balcony and settled back into her chair.

"I know my worth, but I also know the kinds of assets that a House like yours possesses. If you're really trying to buy me, I'd appreciate some honesty about exactly what kind of investment you think this is."

Kathina was silent for longer than she had been since entering, her eyes ranging across the ceiling. When she spoke, she'd dropped her earlier casual tone. "The House of Coin is large and powerful by some standards, but there are entirely different scales. We can't even manage stable trade over the entire continent: when the Asplundat Movement decided to throw out our branch Houses, there was nothing we could do. And that's nothing compared to the organizations that stretch across multiple continents, much less those that can trade from the highest mountains to the deepest depths."

Theo judged that as a sober analysis of the scaling involved, only mentally adding another stage: the largest of organizations spanned across multiple worlds or even all nine. Still, he wasn't sure what it had to do with him, since they couldn't know of his final ambitions. "That's a bit grandiose."

"You're considered a worthwhile asset for a number of reasons. One thing the House of Coin lacks is top tier soulcrafters, and your rapid rise is worth an investment. We'll need every Authority we can get if a war does come, and some analysts believe you could ascend to Stronghold."

"That's very flattering."

Again she smirked, but this time it didn't seem quite directed at him. "You think you're hiding your ambitions, but you're not. Don't worry, I like that about you. Anyway, another asset is the fact that you're an outsider. Most of your kind join the House of the Lost, and the events in the Chasm have led us to believe that you have information we can't buy elsewhere."

"I can't claim any grand knowledge, but I know a few things." Theo had been worried at first that the House of Coin might have been infected by Vistgil, but none of this made sense for his usual methods. If this was really just about their self-interest, he could relax a little. "I'm not going to betray House Blacksilver, but I'm open to working with you."

"Ooh, betrayal. Is this an Ichili drama? You're allowed to resign from one House and join another, you know. Think about what we could offer you, with branches across dozens of cities."

Truthfully, Theo had to think about it seriously. He valued a number of things about House Blacksilver, but couldn't deny that they were a medium-sized house in a single city. The House of Coin could no doubt be trusted to compensate their members fairly, so the relationship could be a very lucrative one.

In the end, it came down to the fact that nothing was forcing him to make a decision. Theo shook his head and answered simply. "I'll consider your offer, but I think I'm in the most effective place for me at the moment."

"I was afraid of that, but had to try." Kathina dropped her legs from the edge of the balcony and pivoted to seated position, watching him carefully. "Honestly, I think we could work well together. But if it has to be as business partners for now, we can live with that. Is there anything else you need? We're not going to gift you sublime materials, but if you need information..."

"Why are Fithan Discs called that?" Theo asked.

Kathina blinked at him. "What?"

"I've traveled many of the Nine Worlds, and Fithe is the only one with a unified currency named after itself. Why?"

"Oh, that's simple. The Disc Consortium is an intercontinental organization that established standardization. Each Disc is made with materials specific to our world, and work-intensive enough that forging coins is more trouble than just earning them. It's a point of pride for some that we have more efficient markets, so I'm surprised you haven't heard." She cast him a wry smile. "No charge for the remedial economics lesson."

Theo chuckled despite himself. "Just curious."

"It's actually not standardized across the entire world, by the way. When water Fithans aren't trading with us, they actually use something called a Fithan Wheel. Similar goal and technique, but different methods to get there." She paused, her humor disappearing. "We noticed that you've been trying to acquire sublime materials from the depths, though we aren't sure what. If you're looking for something, we might be able to connect you with a suitable seller."

"Actually, it's not exactly that." Up to that point, Theo hadn't given them any information they could use, but he decided that it was low risk, since they already had access to most of his economic activity. "Before I ascend to Authority, I need to find a growing material that can keep up with my soulhome. It's proving more difficult than I expected."

"Based on what you displayed in your duel, that might be difficult. I don't think you're going to find it here, and finding suitable plants on Aathal is more difficult than you think. Actually, I think you might be best off talking to the dark Tatians."

"Do you have connections with them?" Theo asked. Kathina immediately shook her head ruefully.

"I wish, but I don't even know if 'dark Tatian' is the right name for them. They don't particularly like us, but they do more business with the House of Coin than anyone else. I only bring them up because I've seen them sell some truly nasty plants: not life-generating like those from Aathal, but life-draining. We might be able to arrange a sale."

"If there are no strings attached, I'd be grateful for it."

"The only thing we'd take from it is a commission. Honestly, you're more paranoid than half the merchants in our House."

If they could really arrange a meeting, that might make the entire day far more fruitful than he had expected. Theo considered thanking her, but Kathina seemed to have a good grasp on the entire transaction. She could have left but instead stayed in the booth, watching the auction and occasionally offering sarcastic commentary.

"You think this entire thing is a circus, don't you?" Theo asked. Kathina shrugged, which was definitely not a denial.

"These public auctions are designed to fleece those with more money than sense. Our real auctions are invitation only - I could arrange that, by the way - and conducted much more sanely."

"Sealed bid, I assume?"

"And the winner pays the second highest bid, of course."

As far as Theo knew, that was the best-regarded policy on Earth as well, so he shouldn't have been surprised to find it on Fithe. Despite himself, he had to admit that it was easy to spend time with Kathina, now that she wasn't looking down her nose at him. No, she was reserving all of her scorn for the current auction item.

"Look at that thing: big fireball tree, how original. It has value, sure, but in the range of one or two thousand Discs. Now they have the bidding up to twenty thousand, and it'll probably go up to twenty four or so before-"

"One hundred thousand!" The voice boomed out over the auction house, silencing everyone for a moment before a wave of gasps and whispers followed. Despite himself, Theo joined them by moving to the edge of the box to find the source.

A young man was seated atop one of the larger balconies, both legs on the edge and his hands behind his head, clearly enjoying the attention. He was mostly obscured by dark robes, but Theo noted that his hair was black with a streak of red and that he had a sword practically his height leaning on the seat beside him. The only other people on the balcony were a Fithan woman and a serpentine Eubhan, both clearly as shocked as everyone else.

It should have been absurd, yet Theo felt a cold knot twist in his stomach.

"Who is that?" he asked. He wasn't sure how his voice sounded, but Kathina gave him a very strange look before she rose to stand beside him.

"Another outsider who just recently came to Norro Yorthin. He came through the Arbaian gate, and according to our best intelligence he stumbled upon some sort of ancient cache. Due to that, he's been throwing around far more money than a first tier soulcrafter should possess. I won't say this sort of thing is common, but the fact that it happened encouraged my House to try to find their own outsider."

"Did he give a name?"

"He's going by Raythe Darkblade."

Theo sighed and rubbed his eyes. "There's a good chance that he's from my world."

"Oh, really?" Kathina turned toward him in surprise. "Is that a common name where you come from?"

"Uh... let's just say that I have a feeling."

"If it's any encouragement, we didn't try to approach him beyond setting up auctions for him. As far as the House of Coin is concerned, a little bit of money and power isn't significant in the grand scheme of things."

"I shouldn't say anything..." Theo realized that it was utterly stupid to say something like that and cursed himself. Seeing another person from Earth had really thrown him off. Now he was committed to finishing the sentence, and honestly, it might be for the best. "I don't know him or have any specific intelligence about him. But there's a chance that this will end poorly. I'd take your money and stay away."

"We'll take that under advisement." Kathina seemed oddly subdued as well, but she rallied with another smile. "We'll connect you with dark Tatian merchants, and we can do far more if you're willing to work with us. Just consider our offer."

With that, she was gone, leaving Theo to stare from his balcony. He made himself consider talking to Raythe, since a human contact could potentially have valuable information, but resolutely dismissed the idea. Getting involved with Magnafor had nearly gotten him killed, and even Senka had advised him that Vistgil was manipulating most people from other worlds.

He'd managed several years of traveling in the Nine Worlds without running into another person from Earth, but that time had come to an end. Theo left the auction house, telling himself that he was making the right choice. Steering clear of others was the wise decision, and he even had new leads on a number of different issues. His future was looking bright.

Theo remembered the last time he'd felt that way and found himself looking back repeatedly.


Chapter 8

Fiyu did not consider herself practiced in the arts of deception, but she attempted something known as a "scheduletrick". It was a rather devious practice she had learned about from Fithans, since they tended to schedule their days rigidly. Such a thing would have been feared as an ambush on Ichil, but she understood that the intentions were benevolent.

Earlier in the day, Friend Theo had asked if she wanted him to bring back food from an exterior source and she had accepted. What he did not know was that Friend Nauda had also arranged to soulcraft with her prior to dinner. Because they nearly always became distracted and went past their allotted time, Friend Nauda would be hungry and suggesting a meal at the exact time that Friend Theo returned with a bounty of food, then they would all agree to have a meal together.

This was not deception or betrayal. It was a scheduletrick.

There was some uncertainty at first, and shockingly, neither of her friends suspected her. But despite some degree of tension in their muscles, the two of them agreed to eat together as they had not for many days. Friend Theo had brought more than enough food, as he usually did, and Friend Nauda spread out a blanket for them to sit on while they ate in her room.

Throughout the meal, Fiyu carefully monitored their bodies along with the conversation. Friend Nauda's posture had slipped recently, with a troubling pressure in her stomach, but it dissipated as she relaxed. Friend Theo gained increasing tension in his neck and shoulders when he worked without rest, which thankfully eased throughout the meal.

If only it had all been blissful companionship. Loath as she was to admit it, Fiyu could detect conflict between the other two, just beneath the surface. Their use of lyingwit was no longer playful, instead truly biting at one another before they retreated. Had they been Ichili, Fiyu would have insisted that they sit down and parlay, but she feared that she didn't truly understand them, so all she could do was attempt the scheduletrick and hope it reminded them that they were friends and companions.

For the most part, they discussed their scattered business, which Fiyu found enjoyable and believed that her companions did as well. Friend Theo was attempting a truly alarming number of different objectives, but since he always applied himself effectively to any given task, she hoped that he could accomplish them. Friend Nauda was working on her recovery but also investigating matters related to House Crimson and the wild tribes, which seemed a worthy focus to Fiyu.

Whenever they discussed soulcrafting, Friend Nauda's calves tensed in an unusual way. Perhaps as if she would have shifted her feet if they sat at a table, or perhaps as an impulse to move away. Clearly she was hiding her true feelings about her progress and perhaps the extent of the damage. Fiyu only wished that she knew how to help her.

"I understand why Blacksilver doesn't want to go up against House Crimson," Friend Nauda was saying, "but if the rumors are true, what they're doing affects everyone in the city. There's likely to be serious backlash from the wild tribes, or worse."

"If." Friend Theo uttered the word pointedly. "You might have a convincing enough case for us, but imagine a risk-averse House leader. To them, one of the most aggressive Houses pursuing its own interests isn't enough of a surprise to challenge them."

"Pursuing their own interests is one thing, but at the cost of the entire city? Especially when the rumors are so credible..."

"But the fact that you got those rumors from someone else means they probably already know. If you want to change Blacksilver's course, you need new information, or at least present what everyone knows in a more compelling story."

Friend Nauda's hand hit the floor with surprising force, her entire arm agonizingly taut. "And just how am I supposed to do that?"

Even Friend Theo seemed to be taken aback. It was impossible to know how he would react, since it could just as easily be compassion or anger. Before the situation could deteriorate, Fiyu cleared her throat and uttered the thought that had been building for some time.

"Is it not possible for us to help one another?" Both of them turned toward her, thankfully without anger, and she continued more quietly. "It seems to me that Nauda requires more information, and Theo has just acquired a source of it. The House of Coin is even more concerned about such disruptive acts, is it not? Perhaps they would be willing to share information with Nauda, and with it she might be able to present a more convincing case."

"That... is possible." Friend Theo regarded her briefly and then settled back. "Kathina does seem willing to cooperate. She actually expressed a desire to meet you, Fiyu, but I declined on your behalf."

"Thank you, Theo. I feel that I have met too many people recently."

"Maybe it could work." Friend Nauda chewed her lower lip for a while before speaking again, but her back straightened a little. "You let me talk to your contact and we pool information. The House of Coin probably knows far more than I do, but they don't have any connections to Blacksilver."

"I'll make the arrangement tomorrow," Friend Theo said.

Fiyu settled back, glad that she had helped all of them forward, but it seemed that she would not be permitted to simply enjoy the conversation. Friend Nauda turned toward her with that odd curve of her lips that usually meant slight shame. "Sorry if we've been ignoring you, Fiyu. I just realized that we've talked so much about our own soulcrafting without even asking you about yours."

"That is okay." Fiyu shook her head carefully. "I am glad to hear of your work."

"But surely you've been up to something. I remember that you were trying to make more contacts with Ichili within the city."

"I did, and I have had some success at acquiring Ichili materials, but many of them are taking reasonable precautions regarding the increasing violence on Fithe. They have told me that Fithan wars do not spill over through gates, but it still not a simple matter for them to pick up their businesses, particularly with the Greater Dark on the other side..."

As Fiyu spoke, she made sure to continue smiling, but examined both of her companions with her senses as deeply as she dared. Friend Theo slightly turned away, likely understanding that she didn't want to speak about her own soulcrafting because she felt uncomfortable remaining at a lower tier. But though Friend Nauda had raised the question, she did so with such warm kindness that Fiyu could not resent it. She deeply valued the understandings that both of them brought her and hoped that they could be maintained.

Because she knew their interest was genuine, she told them of her new plans for her windows, and they both had thoughtful comments to offer. In truth, she was rather certain of her designs. Both of them had offered her significant insights in the past, but now she primarily needed Ally Navim's expertise.

Her intervention prevented any arguments, so the dinner concluded happily. The other two went in separate directions, which was somewhat regrettable, but Fiyu intended to spend the evening soulcrafting. She collected her supplies in a sack, briefly wishing that she could simply carry them within her soulhome like Friend Theo, and then headed to the exit.

She had reached their familiar sleigh and settled in when a figure floated from the sky. Fiyu quickly identified Associate Janne, though the Blacksilver Authority's method of simply appearing out of the sky was always somewhat alarming.

"May I ask where you're headed?" Associate Janne asked, keeping pace with the sleigh as it floated toward the exit.

"I intend to work with an associate in the Arbaian quarter," Fiyu answered.

"Ah. That's fine." Associate Janne shifted in front of the sleigh, her entire body oddly slack, and maintained a constant distance instead of attempting to stop her. "We've noticed that you've been seeking sublime sands and particular types of glass. I was worried that you might be taking longer trips outside the city."

"Would that be a problem?"

"You're free to, of course. But there has been increasing tension and attacks on vulnerable soulcrafters. Given your current tier and the fact that you've proved valuable to us on several occasions, you would be a prime target for assassination. If you need particularly rare materials, please feel free to ask the House. I'll handle the matter personally, if necessary."

"Thank you, Janne." Fiyu bowed from her seat, hiding her reaction to the mixed sentiments. Associate Janne was kind to offer personal help, but she also joined the others implicitly criticizing her for remaining at Archcrafter instead of ascending. The increasing number of voices urging her on was beginning to trouble her.

"Staying within city limits will be safer, because they've begun generating a more powerful barrier that will repel even Authorities. We're also tightening restrictions on entrants, so while the city isn't completely safe, the number of avenues for a direct strike has decreased."

"I understand. Thank you for your guidance."

"There's one more thing..." Janne shifted in the air, for once a bit of muscular tension emerging in her shoulders. "I didn't think this was necessary, but Karchibol insisted that I warn you. You wouldn't trust an Ichili who said they had a message from relatives, would you?"

"Oh, certainly not. Not if they were a stranger." Many Fithans seemed to believe that Ichili trusted one another absolutely, but that would be foolish. It was simply that other Ichili stuck to polite norms.

"Good. Our Ichili allies have reported suspicious behavior and even refused entry to a number of soulcrafters trying to enter Norro Yorthin. There's concern that they might be seeking someone with violent intentions."

"I understand. I will be cautious."

"In that case, let me know what sublime materials you need so we can stop talking."

Fiyu could not ignore the offer, so she made several specific requests of Janne. Having a Blacksilver Authority assist her directly could very well help her resolve a few of her current problems. Despite the interruption, Fiyu left the Blacksilver complex in a good mood.

This dissipated along the way, even the familiar presence of their sleigh unable to calm her. Fiyu was entirely aware of her vulnerability at her current tier: her relative had told her that her blueprint had serious weaknesses until she finished her Ruler floor. But the horrible injury done to Friend Nauda had frightened her, convincing her even more that she needed to wait for her relative before completing her Corporeal Floor.

She had done her best not to be idle in the meantime. Every surface had been polished to perfection, she had completed the gauntlet-shaped gatehouses for her armaments, and had collected many materials that she hoped would be helpful when her relative returned.

Beyond that, however, she had begun working on a new idea, one that actually altered her relative's blueprint. At first the idea of "seeingholes" to the outside had dismayed her, like invitations for others to stare into her soul. But as she became accustomed to the idea of windows and saw how they operated in the soulhomes of others, she began to wonder if they would not be suitable for her design. The sensory window that Friend Theo had helped her complete back in Tatian had not been a liability, so perhaps others could strengthen her design.

That was the reason she went to meet Ally Navim, aside from his companionship, and fortunately she arrived before she could distract herself too much. Fiyu landed the sleigh and scurried between the Arbaian houses until she could enter Ally Navim's familiar sphere.

"Fiyu." He awaited her, in the midst of work as usual. "I am glad to see you here."

"As am I, Navim." She went to sit in her usual place across from him. "Were you able to acquire the materials? If not, I am more than happy to assist you in your work as usual."

"As it happens, I did."

Ally Navim completed his work and reached into one of his drawers. Though his stony limbs remained impervious to her senses, Fiyu had gradually come to read more into the precise movements of Arbaian body language. They made few automatic movements, unlike the instinctual muscles of most species, every single motion precisely intended.

And, in the exact angles of how Ally Navim placed the box on the table, Fiyu believed that he was proud. "The sand was too smooth for glass of the quality you required, but as it happens the Aathali have developed new methods of water-wearing. I believe this should be suitable, without any loss to its cantae."

Fiyu thanked him and eagerly examined the sand, smooth against her fingers but rough to her more precise senses. As he had said, it would be suitable. The two of them wasted no more time talking, instead dedicating themselves to processing the sublime sand into glass.

Because Fiyu's soulhome was divided into three materials, she couldn't simply create regular windows like Friend Theo, and she certainly couldn't have open holes like Friend Nauda. Instead she intended to design three different blends of glass, each precisely suited to the material around it. So far she had completed two of the three, with additional materials left over.

That was one of her open questions. From what her relative had told her, a Corporeal Floor should not contain any windows even if the design included them. It was possible that he had withheld some information from her, since she had been very young when they were separated, but she believed she understood the theory well enough.

Instead, she would begin work on windows for her third floor. Since the materials she was using strained her soul as an Archcrafter, they would be quite suitable as a Ruler. Then, when she met her relative again, she would have six perfectly crafted windows. If he approved of her change, then she could assemble her floors swiftly and not need to delay.

Her thoughts were so often with Relative Guchiro these days. Often she longed to return to the Biolumin Relay, even though she knew it was futile. He had implied that he had enemies on occasion and she hoped that no accident had befallen him.

"Navim..." Fiyu had not intended to speak, but it was too late, his gemstones were turning toward her. "I have seen that most Arbaians live in schools, but do others live alone?"

"Of course. There are some who dedicate themselves to a single field in isolation... do you understand the word "wisehermits"? They can often go years without consulting with any other scholars."

"And this is an unusually long amount of time." Fiyu nodded in satisfaction at her understanding.

"You could say that." Ally Navim chuckled for unclear reasons, then continued speaking as he returned to his work. "But the majority desire to spend time with others. I know that some from other worlds consider us to be cerebral, but I believe our desire for platonic affection is at least as strong as any others. Isolation can be harmful to both intellect and personality."

"Oh... then are you disappointed to have left relatives from your home?"

"I do miss them at times, but I considered that when I made the choice to join you here. The Arbaian quarter of the city is very well-suited to us, and I have developed new relationships here. However, I enjoy none of their company as much as yours."

Ally Navim settled one of his larger limbs on the table near her, an invitation instead of an imposition, and Fiyu happily patted it. Normally she would not do such a thing with an ally, but she believed that she understood how Arbaians conceived of touch. Such a thing was entirely appropriate for allies, free of any other potential implication, and sent a rush of warmth through her.

"Of course, what I said is only true of Mundhin." Ally Navim sensed her overflowing emotions and returned to other matters smoothly. "The Eubhan species is notorious for being anti-social, and the arguments in their conferences are legendary. There are other species as well, in lands I have only read of..."

As she continued listening to Ally Navim, Fiyu was truly happy. And yet that happiness could not remove the motes of loneliness deeper within her.


Timothy Alexander

Isn't it usually that the winner of the auction pays the price bid by the runner up (rather than the runner up winning)? Either way - enjoying a lot, though can't wait to really start to get to grips more with the meat of Nauda's recovery arc - still feels like we're setting that up so far...


Ugh, I edited this sentence to try to make it clearer to others and accidentally deleted a word. It should have said the winner PAYS the second highest bid. Thanks for the report!

Jeff Petkau

> "And the winner the second highest bid, of course." > As far as Theo knew, that was the best-regarded policy on Earth as well Meant to be "...the winner [only pays] the second highest bid" or something? In a second-price auction, the winner is still the highest bidder, but the price they pay is whatever the second-highest bid was. (This removes the incentive to guess what other people will bid and bit just a smidge more; instead the optimal individual strategy is to just bid the most you're willing to pay.)


I loved it. Fiyu's chapter was a delight. So much to do for them all though to advance. I do understand why Theo is looking for a plant, but why not a book? It might be overpriced but if he wants a library room he has to start somewhere


Yeah, I tried to edit this earlier to be clearer and removed an essential word. I intended what you wrote, and decided to edit it in the post above so it won't trip up anyone else.


Haha, Theo has enough on his hands before the next step! You'll get plenty of sublime books, but not yet.


But. But. But...as a reader I want him with a library lol. Okay I can wait more for it. But this is like putting chocolate in front of a chocolate addict you know...all these books so close...yet so far


Hmm so the bathing chamber is done. Did he do the elevated floor to make the basin then?


On another note sounds like Guchiro is trying to get a message to Theo and House Blacksilver doesn't like what they're hearing.


Sarah Mentioned before it was a Greek Style bath if that helps you visually

Runcible Technician

Heh. Theo has a plant problem and so does Nuada. Looking at the set pieces, there doesn't seem to be a central villian this arc, but there are quite a few rival groups. This is giving me serious Dragon Age 2 vibes. I hope they have to exhaustively fight 4 different themed criminal gangs for very little reason.


Thank you for the weekly chapters. How is your mental health doing? Are you in a better place than two weeks ago?


He needs a sturdy plant? Get Bondsfungi too! Bondsfungi for the whole group for better bonding!


I'm tired from the AMA, but doing well overall. I look forward to a productive February.


Would that be joint soulcrafting... or the start of a mycosis epidemic?


Raythe Darkblade? Really, the guy's not even trying. I spend more time naming my single player RPG characters. And he's got his Dark Soulesque ultra greatsword. I'll feel bad for the guy when Vistgill kills him for whatever inexplicable reason.

Jerek Kimble

I just realized that Theo claims he needs a plant, but I don't think it's ever explained why missing a plant with his current blueprint is so bad. Like, it sounds like it's kinda good to find a plant, but so much effort goes into it equivalent to it being a disaster if he doesnt find one.

Jerek Kimble

What do the slitherscales do in Theo's home? 'Major role on his second floor' and 'easier to work than he thought', but not sure what they do.


The best plants grow along with your soulhome, so they're generally regarded as good for optimizing strength. There will eventually be more information about this, but I'll put thought into adding more now so there's context.


He got them in the pack earlier in the novel. They increase agility, so he wanted them to enhance his speed chamber.

Jerek Kimble

Nice. I’m looking forward to the details with the grizzleroot later. I’m sure there’s something interesting specifically about the plant he found.


There are some details this book I hope you'll like, and its ultimate purpose will show up later!