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It has begun! Audible controls release timing, so we were on tenterhooks waiting to see if we scraped in before the holiday wall. Looks like we did, because the first audiobook is available now:


As patrons already know, Travis Baldree will be narrating this series. I know many of you have been requesting this, so please support the audiobooks! This is a bigger risk than I've taken before, though I've pledged that we'll be getting the second and third books out as soon as professionally possible, no matter what.

I still have the new soulcrafting tutorial and some other fun stuff in store for patrons, but this release is going to consume my weekend, so look forward to another on the 18th. Non-patrons, you can expect some new content on Reddit and elsewhere. Everyone, please check out the audiobook!




I will definitely check it out!


Why are they a bigger risk? Just curious. Totally new at audible and book tapes since I usually read and skip the narrative


Congrats! Very exciting! I love Travis I'll get it with my next credit.


Because I pay for the audio work, and a quality narrator like Travis Baldree isn't cheap. Expenses for a book aren't nearly so much, so I know I'll be in the black and able to support myself even if the book sells only modestly. With the audiobooks I'm starting in a deep hole. Not everyone uses audiobooks, but they've been a consistent request, so I want to offer them to fans. No need to go out of your way if that's not your thing, but I hope those who have requested them enjoy. And review, of course. ^-^


Not my usual thing. But it seems like something to try. Love the books you have written so I should give one a try


Up to you! I think the cheapest way to get it is to sign up for their service that gives you credits. If you do, allegedly I'll get a bonus if you spend your first credit on one of my books, but only take that path if it sounds worth it to you.


Well I have to wrap presents. And unfortunately listening to the TV isn't that appealing. But a book does sound nice. So hopefully it will give you a nice bonus