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Important question for patrons, this week. Though we'll have a solid February of updates yet until the second book ends, I'm definitely looking toward the release of the book. That includes getting the cover ready, and everyone will get a chance to see that later. But first, there's the matter of the title.I considered various subtitles, like the following:

  • Street Cultivation: Qi Surveyor
  • Street Cultivation: Wilderness Core
  • Street Cultivation: Qi Ranger

I think some of those are adequate, but I'm not too excited about any of them. Someone brought up another suggestion: just use numbers, like movie sequels. So Street Cultivation 2 would actually be "Street Cultivation 2". I can see this looking good on book covers, but I wanted to get everyone's opinion, or comments/suggestions regarding subtitles.That said, on to this week's chapters. Time for another of those "one foot in the real world" bits that I'm not sure how readers will take.


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



Street Cultivation 2: Electric Bugaloo


I have no idea, but I agree, the current three choices just don't cut it.


It’s a shame you can’t call it Manifest Destruction, that would be awesome :-)


I like Street Cultivation 2. I mean you can get cheeky with Street Cul 2 vation, but you already titled it perfectly. The first didn't have a subtitle either, right? If this is to be a trilogy series (or trilogy arc of a greater series), 1-2-3 makes sense.


I don't understand why Rick is so down on Emily. It seems a bit like the plot's being railroaded into a breakup. He was more open to Damian, who also has grand goals that may involve murder. Either he was never into her in the first place, and is just her boyfriend because she's super hot and it's hard to say no to super hotness when you're not 100% on what you want, or maybe he's more into Lisa than Emily, and that unresolved and unrealised feeling is causing him to see/feel Emily in a poor light/fashion. I don't think any of them (except for maybe Emily) would be cool with a poly dynamic, but it would be cool to see that floated and then dismissed as not what Rick or Lisa wants. Man, it feels so silly Rick would break up with Emily over this. It makes sense but gah, frustrating how immature Rick is relationship wise. I hope I'm wrong and he and Emily talk about this and things work out. That would be a pleasant surprise.

Runcible Technician

I love the numbered title idea, Fist of Death 5!


I like street cultivation 2 but still feels like it needs a subtitle.


😂 You read my mind, I was thinking of Fast and Furious that entire time. 😄


Makes sense that Emily believes rick can be her partner, she doesn’t réalise Rick really just wants a chill life and only takes risks cause that’s all his life is. No way he’s going to stick around. I hope he doesn’t end up with Lisa afterwards cause that’s just boring.


Can just go street cultivation and then the second, just call the second book "wilderness and darkness" a sequel to Street Cultivation.

School work

Emily is the best. This will create some issues between her and Rick, but Rick needs to grow up anyway and he should be able to relate given that he beat up his own family over a bit of money and respect. He's remarkably blase and unfocused in general, so Emily balances it out.


I mean, Rick has never willingly plunged himself into deadly vendettas, and has regularly indicated that he wants to move his life away from the direction where that's a realistic thing for him to get involved in. It does give some context to why Emily is into him though, since her standards seem to be oriented around having an intelligent, responsible and determined partner who won't hesitate to assist her in revenge-murder, which is probably an extremely limited set.


That's a valid approach, but I was thinking I might want to go with strong branding on this one.


Haha, it's funny to imagine that as the top of someone's 'yes' list. "Will they murder with me on my revenge spree?" Yes, Rick says that, but I don't believe him. Remember when he was deciding whether to go with an office job or the Lucrim Authority? He concluded that for some reason he wants to rise to greater heights, and he'll never get there on the beaten path. I think Rick won't be satisfied unless he's pushing himself and putting himself in situations where he must. His actions aren't lining up with his words when he says he doesn't want conflict in his life, so I feel it's self-delusion or self-denial of who he truly is. So yeah, I feel Emily is perfect for him, but because he's immature and hasn't done that self-work to identify who he is and what he wants, when he sees himself mirrored in Emily it scares him. And he's not even aware of why. So all these doubts and thoughts he's having are rationalisations that aren't getting to the real issues that plague Rick and cause his hesitation. And yeah, of course it's scary for him. A trailer park boy who has seen conflict destroy the lives of family and neighbours, why the hell would he want more of it? Yet he does, and no amount of reason or denial will sit right with him until he delves deep into himself and plays around with what he finds there. That's my take, but that's my professional world, so I see it in everything. I don't think Sarah has character mapped to that level since there's not much need to do so when writing a fictional story. 😅


Rick clearly isn't living out his life in fundamental opposition to getting involved in conflict, but all the conflict he's gotten into so far has been unavoidable or instrumental. He fought in the underground to pull himself out of a financial pit, he got a job with the Lucrim Authority to improve his and his sister's living situation. He decided not to participate in the underground arena anymore after the events of the last book because he didn't feel the reward was worth shouldering the risks. What does he get out of taking part in Emily's vendetta? Preservation of a relationship, yes, but not necessarily a relationship worth making that kind of commitment to. Aside from that, fulfillment of an ideal of justice, but one that he only has Emily's word on the righteousness of. With only the information he has now, I find it hard to see the scales balancing that way for Rick.


All very good points, yes. I wouldn't say relationships are best viewed by how instrumental they are to one's goals or values, as that feels heartless, but you're right that it does sound like Rick's manner of thought. One thing Emily said was that she doesn't want to draw him into a revenge plot, but can see him by her side. One question I have is whether she wants someone who will provide emotional support for her through that episode, or someone to murder with her. Right now it's dubious, and something to talk about, not bottle up. The thing is I don't believe Rick knows his own limits. Because he's acted out of survival or for want of options, I don't think he knows what he wants, partly because he's never had the luxury to consider such things. I think that if he were offered a professional fighting contract for one of the TV programmes, or something similar where he'll be fighting, receive medical insurance, and not be SOL if he gets injured, he'd choose that job over an office job any day. That to me says he's more drawn to conflict than not. But you're right, we don't have enough information yet. However, consider how well he received Damian's proposal, and Rick's own distaste for the corporate world in which they live, I see him embracing a path of conflict once he comes to terms with that within himself. And that path of conflict is a mirror of Emily's own. To judge Emily or scorn her for it is or will be hypocritical. Then again, maybe he secretly loves Lisa deep down and all this hesitation towards Emily is manifesting from that.


I really like these type of chapters. For the title I think just going by volume works best as these are meant to be read all together. So Volume 1, 2, 3 ect. Then you can title the volumes as you please while making it easy to know the order.