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We're getting into the holiday season, but the Saturdays are in between the major days, so I intend to keep posting like usual. Plus an end of year review, most likely.


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



What is an "end of year review"? Do you mean a big post with all the chapters so far all bundled into one?


No, just that I'll reflect briefly on what I did in 2019 and talk about what's upcoming in 2020.


So a "State of the Lin", like Brandon Sanderson's "State of the Sanderson" that he does every December 19.


Exactly! I'm not spread as widely as Sanderson, but I like the idea of being direct with readers about my current projects/goals.


Poor bastard shoulda made sure he had an AdBlocker before going into the demon realm. Now he's going to be inundated with all that Location Tracking/Ad Sense for Demonic Spam


Demon Mass has got to be an asset of some sort. I'm surprised he can't sell it to existing demon bonded individuals so that they can exchange it for a higher rated bond. That being said, I really like the direction this has taken so far. Rick seems to be doing a good job of finding out what the truth behind all this CSLA stuff is, he's making friends at the Reserve (hope to see more of them), and maybe even making friends at work. Though how Emily could just get signed onto the rescue mission like that is a question I hope we'll have answered soon. And how Melissa did on the CLAT.


Haha, there's going to be something a bit similar, but I should have used this joke.


Most of those are getting answers soon, though Emily pushing her way onto the mission will be left to the imagination.


So, I love the story! But I have one criticism. As a previous reader of New Game Minus I love your work and am ready to give you the benefit of the doubt. But I feel as a new reader this story would feel a bit aimless, sort of how Rick doesn’t have a definite plan of what to do with his life, the story feels a bit like that at the moment. It’s a bit slice of life/ mystery but there’s no clear reasons why he’s doing any of what he’s doing. It feels like there needs to be some foreshadowing or light at the end of the tunnel so the onus of continuing the story isn’t just on the trust in the author. Sorry if it seems harsh.


"She pulled out a glass jar, sprayed it with antiseptic, vaporized it with aura..." That usage of 'vaporize' is supposed to indicate that the object was turned into vapor. Often it is synonymous with disintegrate. I'm not sure what you meant here, but I think it needs revising.


All readers are welcome to offer criticisms. This is one that I think is valid, and unfortunately will be valid for much of the series. My aim with this concept was to write something with one foot in the slice-of-life genre, so there will obviously never be a prophesied war or anything. On top of that, I wrote Rick as really not being certain what he wants in life, which may be too much indecision. He's scheduled to get a longer term goal in the third book, but the intent is to keep everything relatively grounded.


Hmm, I think when I wrote it that I meant vaporizing the antiseptic, but the fact that I'm unsure now means it should probably change.


It definitely needs to change. The way it is written it sounds like the jar was vaporized. If you meant the antiseptic, then some revision is necessary to make that clear.


funny imagining her bullying her way into joining the mission. Although another implication may be that she has some backing/history/means thats pretty kick-ass. which sort of contradicts her arc thus far. Or at least what we know of her, which isnt very much. Im here for all of it!

Alex C

I actually very much like the slice of life feel. Not every book needs a grand adventure. The detail in the background of this book is enough to keep me hooked. Maybe it's not a page turner but I'm still happily paying for it.


I'm glad that some people seem to enjoy that vibe. ^-^ Ideally I'd be able to maintain that while also maintaining some degree of tension for those who are looking for something faster, but I can only manage the balance so well.